【单选题】 需与HBV共生才能复制的病毒为()。
①  HAV
②  HDV
③  HEV
④  HBV
⑤  HCV
【单选题】 关于HBV叙述错误的是
①  为乙型肝炎的病原体
②  为一直径42nm的球形颗粒
③  外层为一厚约7mm的包膜,称为乙型肝炎表面抗原
④  内层的抗原称为乙型肝炎核心抗原和乙型肝炎e抗原
⑤  主要由肠道传播
【单选题】 HIV抵抗力较弱,下列因素中可以灭活该病毒的因素是()。
①  70%乙醇
②  以上都是
③  0.3%双氧水
④  56℃10分钟
⑤  0.1%漂白粉
【单选题】 关于真菌抵抗力下列描述正确的是()。
①  对消毒剂敏感
②  对热抵抗力不强
③  耐热
④  对紫外线敏感
⑤  对抗菌药物敏感
【单选题】 14.如果某人血液HBsAg和抗-HBc检测均阴性而且无临床症状,但HBV DNA为阳性则可能
①  感染窗口期
②  假阳性
③  感染恢复期
④  慢性HBV携带者
⑤  慢性乙型肝炎
【判断题】 白喉的传播途径有消化道传播。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 提示HBV在体内活跃复制的指标是( )
①  HbsAg
②  抗-HBs
③  HbeAg
④  抗-HBc
⑤  抗-HBe
【单选题】 Dane颗粒是指感染HBV患者血清中的( )
①  大球形颗粒
②  小球形颗粒
③  管形颗粒
⑤  HBsAg
【单选题】 通过正确的手段,HBV耐药可延缓多年后才发生,以下正确的是( )
①  应用强有力且组织学分布较差的药物
②  改善患者对治疗的依从性
③  单一用药
④  超剂量用药
⑤  长期不间断服用一种药物
【判断题】 红细胞膜对低渗溶液的抵抗力越大,表现其脆性越大、
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 You speak ____________ you had really been there.
①  as soon as
②  as many as
③  as if
④  as though
【多选题】 I hope I can ________________ soon.
①  make my English better
②  make my English worse
③  improve my English
④  invent my English
【多选题】 _____________ , he began to write a report.
①  Finish the exploration
②  Having finished the exploration
③  The exploration finished
④  The exploration finish
【单选题】 The government enacted new laws to ________________ terrorism(恐怖主义).
①  fight for
②  fight against
③  fight in
④  fight at
【单选题】 Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Some explode with anger, and scream and shout. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger. Many doctors think that repressing anger is more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it. They say that when a person is angry, the brain gives out the same hormones (荷尔蒙) as that are produced during tense and nervous situations. They speed the heart rate and raise blood pressure, so the person feels excited and ready to act. Repressing these feelings will only make the feelings continue, and this can lead to many medical problems. To prevent these problems, these doctors suggest letting the anger out by expressing it freely. But recently some other doctors question this. They say that people who express anger repeatedly and violently become, in fact, more but not less angry. And this could cause medical problems. However, some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger strongly may be more likely to develop heart diseases, and that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure. Doctors say the solution is to learn how to deal with anger. The first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, and then to decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down, and express yourself calmly and reasonably. Doctors also say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry, for laughter is much healthier than anger.What is the main idea of this passage?
①  Anger should be dealt with in a proper way.
②  Different people deal with anger in different ways.
③  Doctors suggest dealing with anger by repressing it.
④  The best way to deal with anger is to laugh when angry.
【单选题】 It is _____________ that today people in some remote areas know about the rest of the world.
①  difficult
②  amazing
③  inferior
④  superior
【单选题】 They dont____________ the importance of this problem.
①  understands
②  understood
③  understanding
④  understand
【单选题】 The people who ____________ cars work very quickly.
①  astonish
②  assemble
③  afford
④  acquire
【单选题】 Tommy: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I’m starving.Mother: __________ We have to wait for Daddy.
①  OK, honey.
②  Quickly, honey.
③  Soon, honey.
④  All right, honey.
【单选题】 He____________ cold and hunger a great deal.
①  escaped from
②  suffered from
③  kept away from
④  came from