【单选题】 沙眼的病原体是( )
①  细菌
②  真菌
③  螺旋体
④  衣原体
⑤  支原体
【单选题】 可以引起梅毒的病原体是()。
①  细菌
②  支原体
③  立克次体
④  螺旋体
⑤  衣原体
【单选题】 引起人类斑疹伤寒的病原体是()。
①  衣原体
②  伤寒杆菌
③  螺旋体
④  支原体
⑤  立克次体
【单选题】 下列病原体中,可导致沙眼的是( )。
①  变形杆菌
②  大肠杆菌
③  沙眼衣原体
④  沙眼支原体
⑤  脲解支原体
【单选题】 引起疣的病原体是( )
①  细菌
②  真菌
③  衣原体
④  人乳头瘤病毒
⑤  立克次体
【单选题】 支原体,衣原体,立克次氏体的共同特征是
①  通过细菌滤器????
②  缺少产生的酶系统
③  二分裂???????????
④  对干扰素敏感
【单选题】 支原体,衣原体,立克次氏体的共同特征是
①  通过细菌滤器
②  缺少产生的酶系统
③  二分裂
④  对干扰素敏感
【单选题】 不引起性传播性疾病的病原体是( )
①  细菌
②  衣原体
③  支原体
④  螺旋体
⑤  立克次体
【单选题】 疯牛病的病原体是( )
①  支原体
②  衣原体
③  朊粒
④  螺旋体
⑤  真菌
【单选题】 引起肺炎的病原体主要是()
①  细菌
②  病毒
③  支原体
④  真菌
⑤  立克次体
【单选题】 18.He told me he saw it , but _____fact he wasn’t really there.
①  in point of
②  at point of
③  about point of
④  from point of
【单选题】 21.Sex education in primary school is still a big _____ in China today.
①  question
②  issue
③  problem
④  event
【单选题】 24.All the President’s Men _____ one of the important books for scholars who study the Watergate Scandal.
①  remains
②  remained
③  remain
④  is remaining
【单选题】 22.Plant your fig-tree _________ there is plenty of sunshine.
①  that
②  where
③  which
④  how
【单选题】 17.She is stupid, but it’s different _____ Mary; she is just lazy.
①  in case
②  in case of
③  in case that
④  in the case of
【单选题】 15.We would have arrived two hours ago _____the traffic jam.
①  because of
②  as a result of
③  despite
④  but for
【单选题】 17.Some tourists went to the beach; _____ explored the town.
①  the other
②  other
③  others
④  . another
【单选题】 8. The Labour Party ______ that the government give an explanation.
①  asked
②  demanded
③  told
④  said
【单选题】 2. He was _______ manager of the office.
①  appointed
②  objected
③  ensured
④  promoted
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition