( )不是学前儿童的性格特征。
【单选题】 把“枫桥经验”坚持好、发展好,把党的()坚持好、贯彻好。
①  武装斗争路线
②  群众路线
③  改革开放
④  革命路线
【判断题】 从小养成好的学习习惯,将使学前儿童终身受益。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 教师给幼儿树立榜样,是因为幼儿的哪种性格特征()
①  活泼好动
②  好奇好问
③  好冲动
④  模仿性强
【判断题】 有好的文才必然有好的口才。
【单选题】 睡眠好的表现( )。
①  入睡快
②  睡眠深
③  起床后精神好
④  以上都是
【判断题】 实木地板具有观感好、强度好、不起灰、不返潮、易清洁、弹性好、热工性能好等优点。 ()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 《尔雅.释器》载:“肉倍好谓之壁,好倍肉谓之(),肉好若一谓之环”。肉指边(),好指孔。
【单选题】 属于人的性格特征的是( )。
①  一时的
②  勇敢探索
③  偶然表现的
④  情境性的
【单选题】 以下不是家长正确对待孩子的好奇好问的做法是( )
①  拒接回答
②  直接回答
③  引导思考
④  鼓励探索
【单选题】 习近平总书记多次、反复讲过:“国家好、民族好、 才好。”
①  A 个人
②  B 集体
③  C 群众
④  D 大家
【单选题】 — Why do you think the distance education cannot take place of the formal education?— I take this opinion __________ my experience.
①  because
②  because of
③  since
④  that
【单选题】 Quizzes are part of the lecture program to keep students engaged and keep them _________, for students to be able to check that they understood what was covered.
①  thinking
②  think a lot
③  to think
④  thought
【单选题】 —Did you enjoy your college life?—______.
①  Yes, it was rich and colorful
②  No, it is interesting
③  I like my college very much
④  yes, it is.
【单选题】 The fact ________ that we are behind the other classes.
①  seems to be
②  must be
③  remains
④  take
【单选题】 By _________ learning possible anytime and anywhere, distance education is a powerful tool for supporting lifelong learning.
①  making
②  make
③  made
④  be made
【单选题】 One big of formal education is the high cost.
①  advantage
②  disadvantage
③  problem
④  condition
【单选题】 No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away.
①  get
②  give
③  take
④  gain
【单选题】 Lifelong learning is both formal and non-formal; and the boundaries between face-to-face teaching and ___________ education are increasingly blurred.
①  lifelong
②  formal
③  distance
④  far
【单选题】 I hope you are making ________ for continuous education in your life.
①  room
②  vacancy
③  place
④  like
【单选题】 Some universities offer free, non-credit MOOCs __________ to anyone in the world.
①  useful
②  available
③  easy
④  careful