苯可引起的法定职业肿瘤为( )
【单选题】 氯乙烯可引起的法定职业肿瘤为( )
①  肺癌
②  皮肤癌
③  肝血管肉瘤
④  喉癌
【单选题】 砷引起的法定职业肿瘤为( )
①  白血病
②  肺脏肿瘤
③  肾脏肿瘤
④  肺癌、皮肤癌
【单选题】 石棉引起的法定职业肿瘤为( )
①  直肠癌
②  白血病
③  肺癌、间皮瘤
④  皮肤癌
【单选题】 联苯胺引起的法定职业肿瘤为( )
①  膀胱癌
②  白血病
③  肾脏肿瘤
④  肺脏肿瘤
【单选题】 雏鸡感染J亚群禽白血病可引起
①  肉芽肿
②  肝周炎
③  骨髓瘤
④  肺出血
【多选题】 胰腺癌的特征是
①  A喜欢吃肉食
②  B认真的居多
③  C 喜欢吃水果
④  D大大咧咧的
【单选题】 苯所致的职业肿瘤为( )
①  肝癌
②  肺癌
③  白血病
④  间皮瘤
【单选题】 胰腺癌最好发的部位是( )
①  胰腺头部
②  胰腺体部
③  胰腺尾部
④  全胰腺
⑤  异位胰腺
【多选题】 胰腺癌患者的生活方式指导为
①  A饮食减负
②  B注意胃部保暖
③  C少生闷气少发火
④  D 少吸烟
【单选题】 患者,女性,41岁,因胰腺癌入院。首选一线的抗胰腺癌药物是
①  表柔比星
②  奥沙利铂
③  氟尿嘧啶
④  吉西他滨
⑤  紫杉醇
【单选题】 At her word she stood up and walked away, stopping at the window to pull back the curtain and _____.
①  look round
②  look out
③  look up
④  look on
【单选题】 It _____to see so many children in that mountainous area cannot even afford elementary education.
①  pains her
②  makes her pain
③  is paining
④  is pained
【单选题】 To an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a _____experience.
①  hysterious
②  grievous
③  gracious
④  sensible
【单选题】 It is _____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
①  in her honor
②  on her honor
③  a point of honor
④  an honor
【单选题】 It was requested that all of the equipment _____in the agreed time.
①  erected
②  would be erected
③  be erected
④  will be erected
【单选题】 I will be glad to get acquainted _____ the girl you introduced.
①  on
②  with
③  to
④  by
【单选题】 She stumbled and _____ the coffee.
①  spoiled
②  spilled
③  poured
④  splashed B
【单选题】 Nobody knows his _____ for helping us.
①  motive
②  motion
③  mood
④  moral
【单选题】 Communication between a young couple is a(n) _____business.
①  sharp
②  dreadful
③  intense
④  delicate
【单选题】 To _____ these two ideas is impossible, they are too different.
①  match
②  bond
③  reconcile
④  compromise