我国法定4种职业性耳鼻喉口腔疾病不包括( )。
【单选题】 影响职业牙酸蚀病的因素不包括( )。
①  员工工种
②  酸的种类
③  酸雾的浓度
④  接触时间
【单选题】 我国法定3种职业性眼病中不包括( )。
①  生物性玻璃体混浊
②  化学性眼部灼伤
③  电光性眼炎
④  辐射性白内障
【单选题】 ( )可以预防牙酸蚀病。
①  带防护面罩
②  吸烟
③  张口呼吸
④  不戴口罩
【单选题】 我国列为的法定职业性传染病不包括( )。
①  布氏杆菌
②  炭疽
③  森林脑炎
④  肺结核
【单选题】 ( )不能防止职业性皮肤病。
①  下班不要洗手
②  改善劳动条件
③  加强个人防护
④  严格遵守操作流程
【单选题】 我国最早有记载口腔疾病的医书是()
①  《素问》
②  《千金翼方》
③  《齿病第七》
④  《伤寒杂病论》
⑤  《难经》
【单选题】 不属于职业性皮肤病的是( )。
①  重金属制造引起的溃疡
②  雾霾天过敏导致的痤疮
③  接触原料导致的皮炎
④  接触苯基酚导致的白斑
【单选题】 在职业性放射疾病中,发展为白血病的情况最有可能是因为( )。
①  一次接受少量的电离辐射
②  一次接受超量的电离辐射
③  长期接受总量少量的电离辐射
④  长期接受总量超量的电离辐射
【单选题】 职业性皮肤病指由于接触生产性( )因素引起的各种( )皮肤病。
①  有害,急性、慢性
②  无毒,急性
③  有害,慢性
④  无毒,急性、慢性
【单选题】 龋病是牙硬组织发生慢性进行性破坏的一种疾病,龋病按照进展情况分为
①  急性龋,慢性龋,静止龋
②  咬合面龋、平滑面龋
③  根面龋、线性釉质龋
④  窝沟龋、邻面龋
【单选题】 —__________fine day it is today!—Yes, the sunshine is__________beautiful that Id like to go swimming in the sea.
①  How, such
②  What a, very
③  How, so
④  What a, so
【单选题】 By cutting down trees we ____ the natural home of birds and animals.
①  harm
②  hurt
③  injure
④  damage
【单选题】 Nowadays, many people suffer from _________ depression under the pressure of working.
①  acute
②  sharp
③  quick
④  cute
【单选题】 Something must have happened on their way. Or they_____ by now.
①  should have arrived
②  should arrive
③  would have arrived
④  would arrive
【单选题】 The treasury issued an order stating that ____ land purchased from the government had to be paid for in gold and silver.
①  henceforth
②  moreover
③  whereby
④  however
【单选题】 If a substance is dissolved in water or heated, it may ____ a gas.
①  give into
②  give over
③  give off
④  give away
【单选题】 A(n)____ person is one who has much knowledge and the ability to use it well.
①  smart
②  intelligent
③  clever
④  wise
【单选题】 The actress wanted a hat to ____ her dress.
①  go by
②  go through
③  go out
④  go with
【单选题】 Twenty-year-olds should not _____ to drive in China.
①  allow
②  be allow
③  be allowed
④  allowed
【单选题】 Our teacher recommended that we ____ as attentive as possible when we visit the museum.
①  are
②  shall be
③  be
④  were