下面( )选项不属于“单元格格式”对话框中数学标签的内容
【单选题】 下面不属于“单元格格式”对话框中数字标签的选项是(  )。
①  货币
②  字体
③  日期
④  自定义
【单选题】 对单元格设置日期格式,可以在“单元格格式”对话框的_____选项卡里进行。
①  数字
②  对齐
③  字体
④  编辑
【单选题】 要改变数字格式可使用“单元格格式”对话框的( )选项
①  字体
②  文本
③  对齐
④  数字
【单选题】 在对工作表中各单元格的数据格式化时,"设置单元格格式"对话框,它有数字、对齐、字体、......等()个标签。
①  5
②  6
③  7
④  8
【单选题】 在Excel的“单元格格式”对话框中,不存在的选项卡是( )
①  “货币”选项卡
②  “数字”选项卡
③  “对齐”选项卡
④  “字体”选项卡
【单选题】 在Excel的“单元格格式”对话框中,不存在的选项卡是()
①  “货币”选项卡
②  “数字”选项卡
③  “对齐”选项卡
④  “字体”选项卡
【多选题】 Excel中的“单元格式”对话框中对齐选项卡中可以完成( )
①  数据的水平对齐
②  数据的垂直对齐
③  选择是否合并单元格
④  文字方向的设置
【单选题】 在Excel中,要查找单元格数据“A*”,可在“查找”对话框的“查找内容”栏中输入( )。
①  A*
②  A^?
③  A~*
④  A-?
【单选题】 要清除单元格格式内容,可以使用( )键
①  Shift
②  Enter
③  Delete
④  Alt
【单选题】 在Flash发布设置对话框的“格式”标签页中,默认被选中的是()
①  Flash(.swf)
②  GIF图像(.gif)
③  HTML(.html)
④  A和C
【单选题】 _____ is it_____ made Peter_____ he is today?
①  What; that; that
②  That; that; what
③  What; what; that
④  What; that; what
【单选题】 It was during summer breaks that we first taste the satisfaction work that ____ into hard currency.
①  translates
②  transfers
③  transplants
④  transmits
【单选题】 At her word she stood up and walked away, stopping at the window to pull back the curtain and ____.
①  look round
②  look out
③  look up
④  look on
【单选题】 The linguists’ main interest had been to____ and describe languages.
①  analyze
②  express
③  command
④  comment
【单选题】 We should always keep in mind that ____ decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
①  hasty
②  instant
③  promp
④  rapid
【单选题】 While being questioned on the court, the man denied ____ the old lady’s necklace.
①  having taken
②  taking
③  to have taken
④  to take
【单选题】 Someone is coming here. Who_____ it be?
①  will
②  shall
③  must
④  can
【单选题】 She will have to find somewhere else to work, for she can’t ____this loud noise any longer.
①  come up with
②  catch up with
③  keep up with
④  put up with
【单选题】 He set up in business ____ his own and was very successful
①  in
②  of
③  on
④  by
【单选题】 The ____ of AIDS has led to an expansion in research seeking a cure.
①  innovation
②  selection
③  proliferation
④  conviction