根据热水采暖系统的供水温度的不同可分为两种,即一般热水采暖系统和( )。
【单选题】 按热水采暖系统的循环动力不同,可分为自然循环热水采暖系统和机械循环热水采暖系统。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 低温热水采暖系统的供水温度为( )℃,回水温度为( )℃。
①  100、75
②  95、75
③  100、70
④  95、70
【单选题】 按热媒的不同分采暖系统可分为热水采暖系统 、蒸汽采暖系统两种系统。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 一般热水采暖系统供水温度为95℃,回水温度为( )℃。
①  50
②  60
③  70
④  80
【判断题】 民用建筑多采用热水采暖系统,而不是蒸汽采暖系统
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 热水采暖系统膨胀水箱的作用是( )。
①  加压
②  减压
③  定压
④  增压
【单选题】 热水采暖系统膨胀水箱的作用是
①  加压
②  减压
③  定压
④  增压
【单选题】 热水采暖系统膨胀水箱的作用是
①  加压
②  减压
③  定压
④  增压
【单选题】 在低温热水采暖系统中,顶层干管敷设时,为了系统排气,一般采用( )的坡度。
①  0.02
②  0.001
③  0.01
④  0.003
【单选题】 双管热水采暖系统是指上下层散热器供水是()的。
①  串联?
②  混合???
③  交叉
④  并联
【单选题】 18.He held a sword in one hand and a pistol in_____.
①  another
②  other
③  others
④  the other
【单选题】 13.Take a rest, ______you?.
①  will
②  shall
③  do
④  . should
【单选题】 29. _______ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.
①  Had it not been
②  Hadn’t it been  
③  Was it not
④  Were it not
【单选题】 16.One man’s meat is _____ man’s poison.
①  the other
②  any
③  all
④  another
【单选题】 27.She did her work _________her manager had instructed.
①  as
②  until
③  when
④  though
【单选题】 28.Fool ____ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.
①  who
②  as
③  that
④  like
【单选题】 10.The play is based on ______event in history.
①  real
②  genuine
③  false
④  precise
【单选题】 4. When she entered the dark room, she ____ felt in danger.
①  politically
②  instinctively
③  objectively
④  mentally
【单选题】 7. With careful examination, they were convinced that the picture was______.
①  real
②  exact
③  true
④  genuine
【单选题】 6. They criticized people who had ______to the enemy.
①  loyal
②  disloyal
③  sold out
④  sold