中国电子口岸( )子系统改善了目前减免税申报系统录入繁琐、界面复杂的不足。
【多选题】 减免税是一项税收优惠,下列有关减免税的表示,正确的是( )
①  减半征收属于税率式减免
②  享受免征额的纳税人要比享受同额起征点的纳税人税负重
③  零税率属于税率式减免
④  核定减免税率属于税额式减免
【判断题】 对符合减免税情形的纳税人需专门办理减免税备案手续。(  )
【单选题】 《税收减免管理办法》中所称的减免税不包括(  )。
①  税基式减免
②  税率式减免
③  税额式减免
④  出口退税
【判断题】 《减免税预录子系统(报关行版)》数据只存放在预录入公司和数据中心两地数据库中。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 除法定减免税之外的其他关税减免,权限属于( )。
①  财政部
②  国家税务总局
③  海关总署
④  国务院
【判断题】 环境保护税减免税项目属于备案类减免。(  )
【单选题】 中国电子口岸数据中心开发了集中申报预录入系统,并于2016年正式上线运行。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 电子口岸“舱单预录入/申报(Quickpass版)”子系统主要包括舱单正确的说法是( )
①  空运舱单
②  海运舱单
③  邮运舱单
④  铁路舱单
⑤  以上都正确
【单选题】 《减免税预录子系统(报关行版)》中预录入公司与数据中心之间,数据中心和海关之间的数据均以MQ报文的形式进行传输。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 分立前享受有关税收优惠尚未期满,分立后的企业符合减免税条件的,可继续享受减免税至期满。(  )
【单选题】 When I read the newspaper, I always read the _____ first.
①  headlines
②  headquarters
③  heaven
④  horizon
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 Betty advised me to label our luggage carefully in case it gets _____ in transit.
①  misused
②  mishandled
③  mistaken
④  mislaid
【单选题】 It was dark in the cave so she _____a match.
①  struck
②  hit
③  fired
④  burned
【单选题】 Jack is so _____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual
【单选题】 When he was asked about the missing briefcase, the man _____ever seeing it.
①  refused
②  denied
③  opposed
④  resisted
【单选题】 _____money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.
①  Concerning
②  As to
③  In terms of
④  In the light of
【单选题】 _____the stress of examinations are over, we call all relax.
①  while
②  Even though
③  Now that
④  For
【单选题】 He was determined to sail around the world _____his illness and old age.
①  given
②  although
③  despite
④  in spite
【单选题】 Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, _____she was twenty five.
①  her first real success did not come until
②  her real first success came until not
③  since her first real success did not come until
④  not until her first real success