【单选题】 分步法适用于
①  单件小批生产
②  大量大批单步骤生产
③  大量大批多步骤生产
④  多品种多规格生产
【单选题】 分步法适用于()
①  A.大量大批生产
②  B.单件小批生产
③  C.单步骤生产
④  D.大量大批多步骤生产
【单选题】 下列选项中,不适用于逐步结转分步法的是( )。
①  钢铁厂
②  纺织厂
③  大量大批连续复杂性生产的企业
④  连锁超市
【单选题】 造船厂适合采用的基本制造流程是( )
①  单件生产
②  成批生产
③  大量生产
④  连续生产
【判断题】 品种法只适用于大量大批的单步骤生产的企业。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 大量大批,且在管理上要求分步骤计算半成品成本的多步骤生产的产品的企业应当采用分步法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 分批法适用于大量大批的单步骤生产。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 洋务运动时期,当时国内最大的造船厂是()
①  福州船政局
②  津机器局
③  湖北枪炮厂
④  上海江南制造总局
【单选题】 适用于大量大批的单步骤生产的产品成本计算方法是
①  品种法
②  分类法
③  分步法
④  分批法
【单选题】 适用于大量大批的单步骤生产的产品成本计算方法是( )。
①  品种法
②  分类法
③  分步法
④  分批法
【单选题】 You can experience a fast internet connection in()the same way as you do in the office.
①  more
②  much
③  better .
④  most
【单选题】 Nothing can prevent him _____ learning Chinese painting.
①  from
②  by
③  out
④  in
【单选题】 Thank you ever so much for the scarf you bought me.____________
①  No thanks.
②  No, it’s not so good.
③  I’m glad you like it.
④  Please don’t say so.
【单选题】 found a __________
①  corporation
②  company
③  machine
④  firm
【单选题】 Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
①  Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
②  cheerful
③  sad
④  selfish
【单选题】 It is the general manager who makes the _______decisions in business.
①  beginning
②  finishing
③  first
④  final
【单选题】 Those gifts o rare books that were given t us were deeply _____.
①  appreciated
②  approved
③  appealed
④  applied
【单选题】 Haven’t seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now?____________
①  I hate the weather here.
②  My hair is getting a bit longer.
③  I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.
④  Yeah, thanks for coming.
【单选题】 We are planning an outing. _________ Sure.
①  Where are you going?
②  When will you leave?
③  How is everything?
④  Do you want to join us?
【单选题】 It is dangerous to ______ outdated(过时的) ideas and theories.
①  cling to
②  strive for
③  run through
④  resort to