【单选题】 爱岗敬业指任何一名从业者都必须有责任感,其中不属于爱岗敬业范畴的是( )。
①  对社会负责
②  对家人负责
③  对自己负责
④  对单位负责
【单选题】 根据本课程,下列关于爱岗敬业的说法中,正确的是()。
①  市场经济鼓励人才流动,再提倡爱岗敬业已不合时宜
②  即使在市场经济时代,也要提倡“干一行、爱一行、专一行”
③  要做到爱岗敬业就应一辈子在一个岗位上无私奉献
④  “爱岗敬业”的观念阻碍了人们的择业自由。
【判断题】 爱岗敬业是社会主义职业道德的基本要求,是奉献社会的基础。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列各项中,体现会计职业道德“爱岗敬业”要求的有(  )。
①  工作一丝不苟
②  工作尽职尽责
③  说老实话,办老实事
④  保守秘密
【判断题】 爱岗敬业是职业道德的精髓。(  )
【单选题】 以下属于爱岗敬业的名言警句是()。
①  童叟无欺
②  鞠躬尽瘁死而后已
③  凡百事之成也,必在敬之;其败也,必在慢之
④  君子一言,驷马难追
【单选题】 教师要树立正确的人生观和价值观,爱岗敬业、淡泊名利、勇挑重担、乐于奉献。这是( )的要求。
①  思想道德行为规范
②  教育教学行为规范
③  人际交往行为规范
④  依法执教行为规范
【多选题】 对中小学教师爱岗敬业的要求是()
①  A爱岗敬业,热爱教育热爱学校
②  B尽职尽责,教书育人
③  C认真备课上课,认真批改作业
④  D不敷衍塞责,不传播有害学生身心健康的思想
【单选题】 贫困县摘帽后,也不能马上撤摊子、甩包袱、歇歇脚,要继续完成剩余贫困人口脱贫问题,做到( )、摘帽不摘政策、摘帽不摘帮扶、摘帽不摘监管。
①  摘帽不摘决策
②  摘帽不摘包袱
③  摘帽不摘责任
④  摘帽不摘干劲
【单选题】 6.贫困县摘帽后,也不能马上撤摊子、甩包袱、歇歇脚,要继续完成剩余贫困人口脱贫问题,做到 、摘帽不摘政策、摘帽不摘帮扶、摘帽不摘监管。
①  摘帽不摘决策
②  摘帽不摘包袱
③  摘帽不摘责任
④  摘帽不摘干劲
【单选题】 A talk on developments in science and technology_______in the school hall next week.
①  given
②  will be given
③  has been given
④  give
【单选题】 As to Grosvenor and Scott, she____ never to meet them again.
①  resolved
②  decide
③  determine
④  involved
【单选题】 I’ d like to start by____ myself to countries where English is the main language.
①  controlling
②  containing
③  restraining
④  restricting
【单选题】 I won’t apply for the job. I hear that they’re quite ____ about their personnel.
①  particular
②  especially
③  special
④  peculiar
【单选题】 Tom has been a vegetarian ____ principle for years.
①  in
②  on
③  for
④  by
【单选题】 His manner was so pleasant that Bolla felt at ____ with him at once.
①  peace
②  large
③  ease
④  best
【单选题】 Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _________ during the day.
①  must have done
②  would have done
③  should have done
④  may have done
【单选题】 Joseph was very lucky ____ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room.
①  to escape
②  to have escaped
③  to escaping
④  to be escaping
【单选题】 The rescue team must have searched for the missing visitors two days ago, _____?
①  mustn’ t they
②  haven’ t they
③  didn’ t they
④  hadn’ t they
【单选题】 I’ m____ that he didn’ t come.
①  astonished
②  astonishing
③  astonish
④  to astonish