【单选题】 股票投资风险控制的法则是
①  限制和避免过度交易
②  掌握投资和技术方向
③  及时止损斩断损失
④  以上都包括
【单选题】 股票投资风险控制的基本措施是
①  正确的认识和评价自己
②  充分及时掌握各种股票信息
③  培养市场感觉
④  以上都是
【简答题】 风险管理组织设计的基本原则有哪些?
【多选题】 金融机构实施全面风险管理应当遵循的基本原则包括( )
①  匹配性
②  全覆盖
③  独立性
④  有效性
【单选题】 建设项目投资的投资风险控制方法有风险回避和( )
①  损失控制
②  风险转移
③  风险保留
④  以上A,B,C三种方法
【单选题】 安全原则是()的基本原则
①  幼儿体育
②  幼儿智育
③  幼儿德育
④  幼儿美育
【单选题】 按照由表及里的原则,操作风险具体可划分为非流程风险、流程环节风险和( )。
①  控制派生风险
②  人力资源配置不当风险
③  系统性风险
④  操作失误风险
【单选题】 情感体验性原则是()的基本原则
①  幼儿体育
②  幼儿智育
③  幼儿德育
④  幼儿美育
【单选题】 选择正装色彩的基本原则是( )原则。
①  两色
②  三色
③  五色
④  没有限制
【单选题】 选择正装色彩的基本原则是( )原则。
①  二色
②  三色
③  四色
④  五色
【单选题】 What do you think _____solve the problem ?
①  you can do
②  can you do
③  you can do to
④  can you do to
【单选题】 We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job.
①  but
②  except
③  as well
④  besides
【单选题】 The pen ______she writes letters is broken.
①  which
②  that
③  with which
④  by which
【单选题】 He ________ Alice for ten years.
①  married to
②  has married to
③  has married
④  has been married to
【单选题】 Don’t forget the day ______you were received into the Youth League.
①  when
②  that
③  at which
④  where
【单选题】 ---Are you going there with them ? ----If you go,__________.
①  I also go
②  so do I
③  so I will
④  so will I
【单选题】 _____your help, everything in the room is in good order now.
①  Since
②  Because
③  Thanks for
④  Thanks to
【单选题】 Ahead of me I saw a woman ____I thought was my aunt.
①  who
②  whom
③  of whom
④  whose
【单选题】 All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs.
①  those
②  which
③  what
④  that
【单选题】 Would you like to ______us in our discussion.
①  take part in
②  join
③  taking part in
④  joining