【单选题】 唐诗三百首中《望岳》是谁的作品?
①  A.白居易
②  B.李白
③  C.王维
④  D.杜甫
【判断题】 唐诗三百首中《春思》是杜甫的作品
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 《唐诗三百首》中收录哪些诗人的作品?
①  A.李白
②  B.杜甫
③  C.武则天
④  D.王维
【多选题】 《唐诗三百首》中收录哪些诗人的作品()
①  A.李白
②  B.杜甫
③  C.武则天
④  D.王维
【判断题】 《唐诗三百首》中收录李白的作品最多。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 《唐诗三百首》中收录哪位诗人的作品最多?
①  A.杜甫
②  B.李白
③  C.李商隐
④  D.李清照
【单选题】 清朝蘅塘退士编写了《唐诗三百首》请问唐诗三百首中实际收录多少首()
①  A.361
②  B.300
③  C.311
④  D.314
【单选题】 清朝蘅塘退士编写了《唐诗三百首》请问唐诗三百首中实际收录多少首()
①  A.317
②  B.418
③  C.233
④  D.75
【单选题】 《唐诗三百首》的蓝本是:( )
①  A.《唐诗别裁集》
②  B.《唐诗纪事》
③  C.《唐诗品汇》
④  D.《全唐诗》
【单选题】 《唐诗三百首》的编者是“()退士”。
①  A.蘅塘
②  B.青莲
③  C.白云
④  D.香山
【单选题】 He will surely finish the job on time _______ he is left to do it in his own way.
①  in that
②  in case
③  as far as
④  so long as
【单选题】 When the girl heard the news, she could do nothing but ______ back home.
①  going
②  went
③  to go
④  go
【单选题】 Due to the fact that she was naturally timid, she shrank from any ____ social and cultural activities.
①  comprehension of
②  study on
③  success in
④  participation in
【单选题】 The shop offers almost everything()ranges from inexpensive to very expensive.
①  that
②  which
③  who
④  in which
【单选题】 I am unhappy because she accepted my invitation _______ .
①  passively
②  extremely
③  undoubtedly
④  unwillingly
【单选题】 It’s getting late and I have to leave now.____________
①  So soon! I hope youve enjoyed it.
②  Have a cup of tea.
③  Not at all.
④  How about a cup of coffee?
【单选题】 You can experience a fast internet connection in()the same way as you do in the office.
①  more
②  much
③  better .
④  most
【单选题】 Nothing can prevent him _____ learning Chinese painting.
①  from
②  by
③  out
④  in
【单选题】 Thank you ever so much for the scarf you bought me.____________
①  No thanks.
②  No, it’s not so good.
③  I’m glad you like it.
④  Please don’t say so.
【单选题】 found a __________
①  corporation
②  company
③  machine
④  firm