【多选题】 《唐诗三百首》中收录哪些诗人的作品()
①  A.李白
②  B.杜甫
③  C.武则天
④  D.王维
【单选题】 《唐诗三百首》中收录哪位诗人的作品最多?
①  A.杜甫
②  B.李白
③  C.李商隐
④  D.李清照
【判断题】 《唐诗三百首》中收录李白的作品最多。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 唐诗三百首中《望岳》是杜甫的作品
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 唐诗三百首中《春思》是杜甫的作品
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 清朝蘅塘退士编写了《唐诗三百首》请问唐诗三百首中实际收录多少首()
①  A.361
②  B.300
③  C.311
④  D.314
【单选题】 清朝蘅塘退士编写了《唐诗三百首》请问唐诗三百首中实际收录多少首()
①  A.317
②  B.418
③  C.233
④  D.75
【单选题】 唐诗三百首中《望岳》是谁的作品?
①  A.白居易
②  B.李白
③  C.王维
④  D.杜甫
【判断题】 《唐诗三百首》中一共收录了87位诗人的诗。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 《唐诗三百首》的蓝本是:( )
①  A.《唐诗别裁集》
②  B.《唐诗纪事》
③  C.《唐诗品汇》
④  D.《全唐诗》
【单选题】 5.Ten minutes later a taxi ______ in front of the house, where we had arranged to meet.
①  pulled out
②  . pulled up
③  pulled down
④  pulled off
【单选题】 19.The church is the _____building in the town.
①  eldest
②  ancient
③  oldest
④  old
【单选题】 29. I remember __________ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.
①  to be paid
②  get paid
③  that I receive pay
④  being paid
【单选题】 10. The coffee is very weak. I like it a bit ______.
①  strong
②  heavier
③  stronger
④  heavy
【单选题】 24.Don’t worry about Susan. She hasn’t been _____________ she pretends.
①  as lucky as
②  as unlucky as
【单选题】 4.After a delay of two hours, it was finally announced that the passengers could now _______ the plane.
①  get for
②  get up
③  go to
④  board
【单选题】 26.The meeting was put off because we ________ a meeting without John.
①  objected having
②  were objected to having
③  objected to have
④  objected to having
【单选题】 2. The cause of ______ disease is the economic and educational backwardness of the country.
①  long
②  infectious
③  bad
④  boring
【单选题】 28. Sally contributed a lot to the project, but she never once accepted all the ________ for herself.
①  credit
②  attention
③  focus
④  award
【单选题】 11.You hardly phone me. Why don’t you phone me _______.
①  often
②  . more often
③  always
④  more always