中国旧式农民战争的最高峰是[填空1] 起义 。
【简答题】 中国旧式农民战争的最高峰是[填空]起义 。
【单选题】 中国旧式农民战争的最高峰是?
①  义和团运动
②  太平天国起义
③  辛亥革命
④  解放战争
【单选题】 中国旧式农民战争的最高峰是?
①  义和团运动
②  三元里人民抗英斗争
③  太平天国起义
④  反教会斗争
【单选题】 中国旧式农民战争的最高峰是( )
①  义和团运动
②  三元里人民抗英斗争
③  太平天国运动
④  反教会斗争
【多选题】 太平天国起义是中国旧式农民战争的最高峰,主要因为?
①  《天朝田亩制度》表达了农民对拥有土地的渴望
②  《资政新篇》是中国近代历史上发展资本主义的方案
③  其指导思想先进
④  内部团结,作战英勇
【判断题】 太平天国抗争失败的原因在于企图用旧式农民战争的办法来解决中国的出路问题。
【单选题】 生命最高峰一般是在()岁左右
①  A.35
②  B.40
③  C.48
④  D.55
【单选题】 太平天国农民战争历时( )。
①  10年
②  14年
③  18年
④  20年
【判断题】 中国革命战争实质上就是党领导下的农民战争.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 太平天国农民战争爆发的原因有?
①  鸦片战争失败以后,为支付对列强的巨额赔款,同时也为了弥补财政亏空,清政府加重了赋税的征收科派
②  各级官吏在征收钱粮时往往浮收勒扣,横征暴敛,农民的负担更为加重
③  由于西方资本主义的入侵,中国的农业和家庭手工业相结合的自然经济逐渐解体
④  满汉民族矛盾
【单选题】 9.The doctor prescribed for me a new medicine that could ______ good sleep.
①  entertain
②  . enable
③  ensure
④  . require
【单选题】 28. ____for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
①  There has been no rain 
②  Having no rain 
③  There having been no rain
④  There being no rain
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To point out the disadvantages of having only one child.
②  To display the disadvantages of having only one child.
③  To raise a controversial problem with its probable causes and effects
【单选题】 6.The stepmother was advised against ______ between her own son and the stepdaughter.
①  love
②  favor
③  favorite
④  favoritism
【单选题】 30.This house will probably come on the ____next month.
①  fair
②  market
③  shop
④  store
【单选题】 29.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet. 
①  That amazed
②  It amazed
③  Which amazed
④  What amazed
【单选题】 26. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
①  Another two girls
②  Few words
③  This work
④  A bit of flowers
【单选题】 2.Should any critical issue _______ the negotiation with foreign company, immediately report to the manager for advice.
①  arise from
②  interact
③  ensure
④  . make
【单选题】 3.It is impossible for a man like him to bear the ______ of being suspected as a thief.
①  fame
②  stigma
③  reputation
④  mark
【单选题】 7.Children learn how to______ with others by playing with their friends.
①  interact
②  talk
③  involve
④  . absorb