【单选题】 加速折旧意味着
①  加大前期折旧
②  加大后期折旧
③  固定资产提前报废
④  固定资产推后报废
【多选题】 工人异化意味着
①  工人无法控制劳动过程、无法控制自己的工作性质
②  工人不能把其个人的工作与个人目标和组织的更大目标结合起来
③  即工人缺乏对组织本身的归属感
④  工作使工人无法表达独特的性格,如创造力和独立的判断。
【单选题】 ()意味着最高权力.
①  公权
②  私权
③  人权
④  主权
【单选题】 实证经济学意味着
①  它能回答是什么的问题
②  它能回答为什么的问题
③  它能回答应该是什么的问题
④  数学和统计学经常用到的分析工具
【单选题】 保教的“教”意味着( )。
①  教育内容
②  教育方法
③  教育原则
④  教育教学
【单选题】 群桩效应越强,意味着()
①  群桩效率系η数、沉降比ζ越大;
②  群桩效率系数η、沉降比ζ越大;
③  群桩效率系数η越大、沉降比ζ越小;
④  群桩效率系数η越小、沉降比ζ越大;
【单选题】 学校的出现意味着人类()。
①  文字的产生
②  阶级的出现
③  生产力的发展 
④  正规教育制度的产生
【单选题】 学校的出现意味着人类
①  文字的产生
②  阶级的出现
③  生产力的发展
④  正规教育制度的产生
【单选题】 ( )意味着对于幼儿健康的关注。
【单选题】 职场中的正能量意味着( )
①  A.人人都会帮我
②  B.不存在不合理的事
③  C.工作中的困难都能克服
④  D.信任、豁达、愉悦和进取
【单选题】 The fact remains  () we are behind many others.
①  that
②  why
③  where
④  how
【单选题】 There were two small rooms in the house, _______ served as a bathroom.
①  the smallest of which
②  the smallest of them
③  the smaller of which
④  smallest of that
【单选题】 The young people are _____ of their responsibility toward society.
①  consistent
②  conscious
③  sensitive
④  sensual
【单选题】 Did the medicine make you feel better?No. The more _______, _______ I feel.
①  medicine I take; and the worse
②  medicine I take; the worse
③  I take medicine; the worse
④  I take medicine; worse
【单选题】 Large fish usually _____ small fish.
①  gather
②  take on
③  feed on
④  organize
【单选题】 I often ______ the cooking for my family, but recently I have been too busy to do it.
①  will do
②  do
③  am doing
④  had done
【单选题】 The plane was about to _________, and yet l left my ticket behind.
①  take on
②  take off
③  take up
④  take in
【单选题】 Global warming threatens the _______ of the whole human race.
①  summit
②  superiority
③  survival
④  status
【单选题】 So little ____ with each other that the neighbors could not settle their difference.
①  agreed did they
②  did they agree
③  they agree
④  they did agree
【单选题】 Putting in a new window will _____ cutting away part of the roof.
①  include
②  involve
③  contain
④  comprise