【判断题】 我国水资源的分布特点是地区分布不均匀、年内分布不均匀、年际变化不大。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 我国通过制定全国水资源战略规划进行水资源管理,全国水资源战略规划分为()(4分)
①  流域规划与区域规划
②  区域综合规划和区域专业规划
③  区域综合规划和流域综合规划
④  流域综合规划和流域专业规划
【多选题】 我国水资源的状况是什么?
①  A 总量并不丰富,人均占有量更低
②  B 年内年际分配不均,旱涝灾害频繁
③  C 地区分配不均,水资源不相匹配
④  D 我国自然水分蒸发强烈
【单选题】 我国的水资源总量较为丰富,淡水资源总量为( )万亿立方米。
①  A.2.5
②  B.2.6
③  C.2.7
④  D.2.8
【判断题】 物流的量在供应链上的分布是不均匀的。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 根据本讲,我国当前水资源的情况有( )
①  水资源短缺
②  空间分布不匀
③  资源性缺水,工程性缺水和水质性缺水并存
④  水多、水少、水脏、水混四种现象同在
⑤  水资源极其丰富
【判断题】 脑疝形成的主要机制是颅腔内压力分布不均匀。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 我国气候变化对水资源造成的影响包括()。
①  A.很多地区的降水变化和冰雪消融正在改变水文系统,并影响到水资源量和水质
②  B.许多区域的冰川持续退缩,影响下游的径流和水资源
③  C.高纬度地区和高海拔山区的多年冻土层变暖和融化
【单选题】 利用雨水资源化,缓解水资源短缺,提高用水效率的是(  )。
【单选题】 我国法律规定水资源属于
①  国家所有
②  集体所有
③  国家和集体所有
④  地方政府所有
【单选题】 The game was fixed for today but it has been____ for a week.
①  transfered
②  delayed
③  translated
④  postponed
【单选题】 Dr. Park was accused ____ the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was terminated before the expected time.
①  of providing
②  with providing
③  to have provided
④  to provide
【单选题】 I’ m going to do all I can to____ the unpleasant impression you have of me.
①  move
②  remove
③  shift
④  transform
【单选题】 Ill go out for a walk after supper if it____ rain.
①  didnt
②  wont
③  isnt
④  doesnt
【单选题】 Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it ____ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.
①  is to be analysed
②  has been analysed
③  be analysed
④  should have been analysed
【单选题】 We feel it is high time that the Government ____ something to check the inflation.
①  did
②  do
③  should do
④  would do
【单选题】 She was teaching me ____ you would teach a younger child to speak the language.
①  the way
②  in the way
③  a way
④  to the way
【单选题】 You should have put the milk into the icebox, I expect it ____ undrinkable.
①  became
②  had become
③  has become
④  becomes
【单选题】 The students expected there ____ more reviewing classes before the final exams.
①  is
②  being
③  have been
④  to be
【单选题】 You should have your eyes tested every year in case the ____of your spectacles need changing.
①  lenses
②  glasses
③  sights
④  crystals