Translate the following sentence into Chinese.The way of online learning will much benefit everyone at work in the long run.
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into ChineseShes excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless.
【简答题】 Translate the following sentences into Chinese.The engineers hope that the latest data will be of great use to the problem in our jobs.
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into Chinese.3. He came first in the race.
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into Chinese.2. The Greens is very kind to us.
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into Chinese.In fact, it has nothing to do with him at all.
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into Chinese.Just show th clerk a piece of paper with my name written on it
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into Chinese.Just show th clerk a piece of paper with my name written on it
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into Chinese.These senior scientists have committed to the rapid development of the Air Force of China all their lives.
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into ChinesePeople gain fortunes not only by hard labor but also by honesty.
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into English.我刚到家电话就响了。
【单选题】 工程造价咨询企业跨省、自治区、直辖市承接工程造价咨询业务的,应当自承接业务( )内到工程所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府建设主管部门备案。
①  10
②  20
③  30
④  60
【单选题】 下列哪种形态特征不属于筛管所具有( )。
①  A长形的生活细胞
②  B组成分子相连接的横壁形成筛板
③  C细胞成熟过程中次生壁不均匀加厚
④  D细胞成熟后,细胞核消失
【简答题】 细胞分化
【单选题】 3、糊粉粒是贮藏的( )
①  A淀粉
②  B糖类
③  C脂肪
④  D蛋白质
【单选题】 具有居间分生组织的植物是( )
①  向日葵
②  荞麦
③  杨树
④  小麦
【单选题】 光学显微镜下呈现出的细胞结构称( )
①  显微结构
②  亚显微结构
③  超显微结构
④  亚细胞结构
【单选题】 纤维属于( )。
①  A厚角细胞
②  B薄壁细胞
③  C石细胞
④  D厚壁细胞
【简答题】 3.[填空(1)] 是一组垂直间距相等、平行于水平面的假想面与自然地形相交切所得到的交线在平面上的投影,表现了地形的轮廓,它仅是一种象征地形的假想线,在实际中并不存在。
【简答题】 2.园林四要素: [填空(1)] 、水、植物、建筑物及构筑物。
【简答题】 1.《园冶》的作者是 [填空(1)] 。