【判断题】 七言诗多首句不入韵
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 七言诗多首句入韵
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 曹丕创作了第一首完整的七言诗是________。
①  《燕歌行》
②  《步出夏门行》
③  《七步诗》
④  《对酒》
【判断题】 五言诗多首句不入韵
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 五言诗多首句入韵
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 我国诗歌史上,第一首较为完整的七言诗是(    )。
①  曹操的《观沧海》
②  王粲的《七哀诗》
③  张衡的《四愁诗》
④  曹丕的《燕歌行》
【单选题】 代表汉代文人五言诗最高成就的是
①  无名氏的《古诗十九首》
②  相传为苏武、李陵所写的“苏李诗”
③  《孔雀东南飞》
④  张衡的《同声歌》和秦嘉的《赠妇诗》
【判断题】 我国诗歌史上,第一首较为完整的七言诗是王粲的《七哀诗》
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 对七言诗的发展作出了巨大贡献的南朝作家是
①  谢灵运
②  鲍照
③  谢朓
④  江总
【单选题】 第一首文人五言诗及其作者是________。
①  《咏缇萦》班固
②  《橘颂》屈原
③  《十五从军征》乐府诗歌
④  《行行重行行·古诗十九首》 无名氏
【单选题】 Ithinkscienceis________anJapanese.
①  muchimportant
②  important
③  muchmoreimportant
④  moremuchimportant
【单选题】 -Whats your brother like? -He is________ .
①  adriver
②  very tall
③  myfriend
④  atschool
【单选题】 Now Mike isn’t here. He _______ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he _______back in a few minutes.
①  went to ; is coming
②  has gone to ; will come
③  has been to ; will be
④  is going to ; has come
【单选题】 I went to the doctors yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he________see me.
①  can
②  may
③  might
④  could
【单选题】 Hisfatherbegantowork_______hewassevenyearsold.
①  asold as
②  asearlyas
③  assoonas
④  asmuchas
【单选题】 The Swedish Academy announces that it will ?not hand out the Nobel Prize in Literature this year in view of the reduced ?public confidence. It ______ to award double prizes next year.
①  planned?
②  will plan
③  plans
④  is planning
【单选题】 I_______here since I moved here.
①  will work
②  worked
③  work
④  have been working
【单选题】 I thought you________like something to read,so I have bought you some books.
①  may
②  might
③  could
④  must
【单选题】 A hunter is a man who______ animals.
①  catch
②  catches
③  will catch
④  was catching
【单选题】 If they______to do this work,he might do it some other way.
①  were
②  should
③  will
④  can