Neither Sandynor her brother ____ the concert.
is going to
are going to
are going to go
is go
【单选题】 ---Are you going there with them ? ----If you go,__________.
①  I also go
②  so do I
③  so I will
④  so will I
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【单选题】 He is so kind and easy-going that the kids go _______ him in a big way.
①  for
②  to
③  with
④  off
【单选题】 He’s going to [填空] her some flowers.
①  buy
②  bought
③  buying
④  offering
【单选题】 — How about going to the cinema? — ___________
①  Enjoy yourself!
②  Good luck!
③  Sounds like a good idea!
④  very happy
【单选题】 —Is your mother going to the supermarket?—No, _______.
①  she doesnt
②  shes cooking
③  she gets by bus
④  to a tailors shop
【单选题】 —Is your mother going to the supermarket?—No, _______.
①  she doesnt
②  shes cooking
③  she gets by bus
④  to a tailors shop
【单选题】 Theres something ___________ going on.
①  mystery
②  myth
③  mysterious
④  maths
【单选题】 Do you ( ) going to shopping tonight?
①  feel free
②  feel like
③  feel about
④  feel for
【单选题】 It is going to rain. The sky is getting _________ and ________.
①  dark, dark
②  darker and darker
③  darkest and darkest
④  dark and darker
【单选题】 舒张压与正常血压相差多少时,提示休克可能
①  小于20mmHg
②  小于25mmHg
③  小于30mmHg
④  大于40mmHg
【单选题】 正常肝脏下缘在右锁骨中线上不超过
①  肋缘
②  肋下1cm
③  肋下2cm
④  肋下3cm
【单选题】 触诊乳房应从哪一部位
①  内下象限
②  外上象限
③  内上象限
④  外下象限
【单选题】 口唇呈樱桃红色见于
①  一氧化碳中毒
②  心功能不全
③  肺功能不全
④  高铁血红蛋白血症
【单选题】 消瘦是指体重低于标准体重的
①  10%-20%
②  20%-30%
③  30%-40%
④  40%-50%
【单选题】 脊柱前凸最多发生在
①  颈段
②  胸段
③  腰段
④  骶段
【单选题】 上肢手指出现细微的不自主震颤
①  肝昏迷
②  甲状腺功能亢进
③  糖尿病酮症酸中毒昏迷
④  震颤性麻痹
【单选题】 下列哪种呼吸方式提示病情较重
①  间停呼吸
②  潮式呼吸
③  叹息样呼吸
④  酸中毒大呼吸
【单选题】 颈静脉怒张提示
①  静脉压增高
②  静脉压降低
③  脉压增宽
④  脉压变窄
【单选题】 双侧瞳孔散大伴对光反射消失见于
①  有机磷农药中毒
②  阿托品药物反应
③  毒蕈中毒
④  濒死中毒