Although she was frightened, she answered with a ____ voice.
【单选题】 Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, ____ she was twenty five.
①  her first real success did not come until
②  her real first success came until not
③  since her first real success did not come until
④  not until her first real success
【单选题】 Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, _____she was twenty five.
①  her first real success did not come until
②  her real first success came until not
③  since her first real success did not come until
④  not until her first real success
【单选题】 Is she still angry _______what Tom has done?
①  to
②  with
③  about
【单选题】 She got married although her parents had not given her their ___.
①  allowance
②  consent
③  permit
④  appreciation
【单选题】 The room was so quiet that she could hear the____ of her heart.
①  hitting
②  beating
③  hurting
④  striking
【单选题】 Although Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders __________ will happen to he private life.
①  how
②  who
③  what
④  that
【单选题】 Although the weather was very bad, the buses still ran on ____.
①  time
②  plan
③  schedule
④  arrangement
【多选题】 She insisted that she _____ the trip.
①  A.organized
②  B.organizes
③  C.should organize
④  D.organize
【判断题】 Has she been listening? Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She said she __________ lost a pen.
①  have
②  has
③  had
④  having
【判断题】 市场营销组和是指企业为了满足目标市场的需要,有计划的对各种可控的市场营销因素加以优化组合并综合运用,以取得最佳经济效益并兼顾社会效益的组合策略
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 产品多样化和目标市场营销三个阶段。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在进行问卷设计时,必须对问题的类别和问题仔细考虑,否则会使整个问卷产生很大的偏差,导致市场调查的成功。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 相关群体是指能够影响消费者个人消费行为的个人或团体。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 以有关顾客的信息为中心的调查研究活动,是获取市场信息的重要手段。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 目标市场营销战略是企业在市场细分和评估的基础上,对拟进入的目标市场制定的经营战略。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 汽车经销商是指从事货物交易,取得商品使用权的中间商。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 职能战略三个重要层次。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 市场营销组和是指企业为了满足目标市场的需要,有计划的对各种可控的市场营销因素加以优化组合并综合运用,以取得最佳经济效益并肩故事会效益的组合策略。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在进行问卷设计时,必须对问题的类别和问题仔细考虑,否则会使整个问卷产生很大的偏差,导致市场调查的失败。
①  正确
②  错误