Although she was frightened, she answered with a ____ voice.
【单选题】 Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, ____ she was twenty five.
①  her first real success did not come until
②  her real first success came until not
③  since her first real success did not come until
④  not until her first real success
【单选题】 Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, _____she was twenty five.
①  her first real success did not come until
②  her real first success came until not
③  since her first real success did not come until
④  not until her first real success
【单选题】 Is she still angry _______what Tom has done?
①  to
②  with
③  about
【单选题】 She got married although her parents had not given her their ___.
①  allowance
②  consent
③  permit
④  appreciation
【单选题】 The room was so quiet that she could hear the____ of her heart.
①  hitting
②  beating
③  hurting
④  striking
【单选题】 Although Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders __________ will happen to he private life.
①  how
②  who
③  what
④  that
【单选题】 Although the weather was very bad, the buses still ran on ____.
①  time
②  plan
③  schedule
④  arrangement
【多选题】 She insisted that she _____ the trip.
①  A.organized
②  B.organizes
③  C.should organize
④  D.organize
【判断题】 Has she been listening? Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She said she __________ lost a pen.
①  have
②  has
③  had
④  having
【单选题】 男性,72岁,血压210/96mmHg,伴气促及下肢水肿,心率110次/分,下列降压药物首选
①  美托洛尔
②  卡托普利
③  硝苯地平
④  双氢克尿噻
⑤  哌唑嗪
【单选题】 高血压病人,心脏B超示室间隔与左室后壁之比达1.4,首选
①  双氢克尿噻
②  依那普利
③  氨酰心胺
④  维拉帕米
⑤  地尔硫
【单选题】 急性心梗时缓解疼痛时宜采取
①  休息和吸氧
②  硝酸甘油
③  消心痛
④  尼群地平
⑤  吗啡
【单选题】 49岁,男性,劳累后发作胸痛,疑为心绞痛,其心电图依据是
①  窦性心动过速
②  T波高大
③  ST段呈短暂的抬高形成单向曲线
④  ST段下移,T波低平,双向,倒置
⑤  左室肥厚劳损
【单选题】 女性,48岁,间发心前区闷痛1个月,常夜间发作。发作时心电图Ⅱ,Ⅲ,aVF导联ST段上抬,考虑为冠心病心绞痛,缓解期治疗最好选用
①  长效硝酸甘油
②  心得安
③  潘生丁
④  消心痛
⑤  地尔硫卓
【单选题】 患者3个月来因体力活动诱发左前胸及胸骨后压榨样疼痛,并向左肩放散,停止活动后3~5min疼痛逐渐缓解,最可能是
①  变异型心绞痛
②  稳定型心绞痛
③  主动脉瘤
④  不稳定型心绞痛
⑤  胸肌劳损
【单选题】 诊断典型心绞痛,下列哪项最有特征
①  胸痛多在夜间发作
②  含硝酸甘油5分钟内疼痛消失
③  持续左前胸憋闷感
④  疼痛时心电图示ST段抬高
⑤  胸痛发作多在15分钟以上
【单选题】 降低血浆中甘油三脂最明显的是
①  普伐他汀
②  普罗布考
③  非诺贝特
④  烟酸
⑤  雌激素+孕激素
【单选题】 下列选项中两种药物联合使用可降低极高LDL-C水平的是
①  胆酸螯合剂+烟酸类
②  胆酸螯合剂+贝特类
③  胆酸螯合剂+他汀类
④  烟酸+贝特类
⑤  他汀类+贝特类
【单选题】 能提高HDL-胆固醇含量的药物是
①  烟酸
②  普罗布考
③  亚麻油酸
④  硝酸甘油
⑤  二十碳五烯酸