Some famous singers live on the ____ from their record sales.
【单选题】 Some famous singers live on the _______from their record sales.
①  :salary
②  :price
③  :bill
④  :income
【单选题】 9. Some of the wheat came from Canada. How about _______?
①  another
②  the others
③  the other
④  the rest
【单选题】 Today, however, some new skyscrapers ____ up from the ground in long, wide, and curves.
①  arise
②  raise
③  rouse
④  rise
【单选题】 36._____ their real economic situations, they got some relief fund from the government.
①  Considering
②  Considered
③  Havingbeenconsidered
④  Beingconsidered
【单选题】 What is their main () of income?
①  source
②  origin
③  save
④  order
【单选题】 His salary as a driver is much higher than ______.
①  a porter
②  is a porter
③  that of a porter
④  as a porter
【单选题】 9.We should really take some effective ______ to prevent such terrible things from happening again.
①  measures
②  steps
③  means
④  ways
【单选题】 A: Hi. My name is David Manning. Im from Britain. B: Im Bill Clinton. Glad to meet you. What year are you? A: [填空].
①  Im a first-year student
②  I was born in 1990
③  Ive been here for years
④  Im 19 years old
【单选题】 , the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’s sales.
①  By now
②  As usual
③  So far
④  At most
【单选题】 , the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’s sales.
①  By now
②  As usual
③  So far
④  At most
【简答题】 消费税是以[填空1]为课税对象而征收的一种流转税
【简答题】 增值税的类型包括[填空1] 、[填空2]和[填空3]
【简答题】 简述新系统逻辑方案的主要内容。
【简答题】 简述原型法的缺点。
【简答题】 简述信息的特性(请列出至少5点)。
【简答题】 为了避免在数据流程图中出现线条[填空1],同一个外部项可以在一张数据流程图中出现若干次。
【简答题】 信息的生命周期包括信息的需求表达、获取、[填空1]、维护、使用、退出六个阶段。
【简答题】 系统分析阶段对每个数据类描述的结果将构成系统设计阶段数据类设计及[填空1]设计的基础。
【简答题】 某产品资料如下:等级单价(元/斤)收购量(斤)收购额(元)一级品二级品三级品1.201.050.90200030004000240031503600要求按以下三种方法计算产品的平均收购价格:(1)不加权的平均数;(2)加权算术平均数;(3)加权调和平均数
【简答题】 一名统计学专业的学生为了完成其统计作业,在《统计年鉴》中找到的2005年城镇家庭的人均收入数据。这一数据属于[填空1][填空2]。