You can take as many as you like because they are free of ____ .?
fare ?
charge ?
money ?
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of ____.
①  fare
②  charge
③  money
④  pay
【单选题】 You can take any apple ____________ you like.
①  that
②  which
【单选题】 Its free, so you neednt ____________ money ____________ me.
①  take...from
②  pay...for
③  borrow...from
④  cost...for
【单选题】 _________ the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities.
①  Except for
②  Including
③  Apart from
④  Included
【单选题】 _________ the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities.
①  Except for
②  Including
③  Apart from
④  with
【单选题】 Its free, so you neednt ____________ money ____________ me.
①  give...to
②  pay...for
③  borrow...from
④  cost...for
【单选题】 A: Must I take a train? B: No, you [填空]. You can take a plane.
①  dont
②  must not
③  dont have to
④  can not
【单选题】 Must I take a taxi?No, you _______. You can take my car.
①  had better to
②  don’t
③  must not
④  don’t have to
【单选题】 I’d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner.
①  Thank you. You shouldn’t’ do that
②  Thanks, I’d like to go with you
③  No, you can’t say so
④  No, no, You can’t do that
【判断题】 A: Must I take a taxi? B: No, you must not. You can take a bus.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列属于亲水材料的是()。  
①  沥青  
②  塑料  
③  橡胶  
④  水泥
【单选题】 下列属于憎水材料的是()  
①  石材  
②  金属  
③  水泥  
④  橡胶
【单选题】 沥青的牌号是主要根据以下()技术指标来划分的。
①  黏滞性  
②  塑性  
③  稳定敏感性  
④  大气稳定性
【单选题】 用标准粘度计测沥青粘度时,在相同温度和相同孔径条件下,流出时间越长,表示沥青的粘度()。
①  越大
②  越小
③  无相关关系
④  不变
【单选题】 石灰熟化过程中的陈伏是为了()。  
①  利于结晶  
②  蒸发多余水分  
③  消除过火石灰的危害  
④  降低发热量
【单选题】 石灰消化时为了消除"过火石灰"的危害,可在消化后"陈伏"(  )左右。
①  半年
②  三月
③  半月
④  三天
【单选题】 建筑结构中,主要起吸声作用且吸声系数不小于(  )的材料称为吸声材料。
①  0.1
②  0.2
③  0.3
④  0.4
【单选题】 弹性材料具有()的特点。  
①  无塑性变形   
②  不变形   
③  塑性变形小   
④  有残余变形
【单选题】 不是引起水泥安定性不良的因素是()。  
①  熟料中游离氧化钙过多    
②  熟料中游离氧化镁过多  
③  二氧化硅含量过量      
④  加入的石膏量过多
【单选题】 以下品种水泥配制的混凝土,在高湿度环境中或永远处在水下效果最差的是()。  
①  普通水泥  
②  矿渣水泥  
③  火山灰水泥  
④  粉煤灰水泥