8. He offered a reward to____ should restore the lost ring.
【单选题】 8. ______, he was honest.
①  As he was poor
②  Being poor
③  Poor as he was
④  He was poor
【单选题】 They are working hard to____ what they have lost.
①  make out for
②  keep up with
③  catch up with
④  make up for
【单选题】 They made a _____ search for the lost ring, but didn’t find it.
①  though
②  although
③  thorough
④  thoroughly
【单选题】 He was offered $20,000 for the picture of his but he ____ it _____.
①  turned…up
②  turned ….off
③  turned ….out
④  turned …down
【单选题】 Is he still in the company? Who_______for?
①  was he waiting
②  is he waiting
③  does he wait
【单选题】 That man alone over there – who is he?
①  He is a student
②  He is Doctor Took
③  A driver, I suppose
④  He’s drunk
【单选题】 Lets toss a ( )to decide who should go.
①  paper
②  coin
③  trunk
④  water
【单选题】 8.She no longer has that______ smile as before, but instead carries the sad look of a mother who has just lost her son.
①  careless
②  carefree
③  interested
④  sick
【单选题】 He should be responsible [填空] that.
①  in
②  on
③  at
④  for
【单选题】 It is____ me that he should be absent.
①  astonished at
②  astonishing to
③  surprised to
④  surprising at
【单选题】 糖尿病病人出现强烈饥饿感、心悸、手颤、出汗可能是()
①  A糖尿病加重
②  B胃溃疡
③  C高血压
④  D低血糖
【单选题】 导致糖尿病患者失明的主要原因()
①  A白内障
②  B视神经炎
③  C视网膜微血管病变
④  D玻璃体积血
【单选题】 肺炎与气管炎的鉴别要点为()
①  A高热
②  B咳嗽咳痰
③  C两肺哮鸣音或干罗音
④  D呼吸急促
【判断题】 胰岛素是人体内唯一能降低血糖的激素。在正常情况下,血糖升高时β细胞的胰岛素分泌增加,使血糖下降,然后始终保持在一种相对恒定的水平上
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 通风一般治疗调节饮食,控制总摄入量;限制嘌呤食物,严禁饮酒;适当运动,减轻胰岛素抵抗,防止超重和肥胖;多饮水,增加尿酸的排泄;避免使用抑制尿酸排泄的药物;避免各种诱发因素
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 代谢综合征伴有的症状有()
①  A高甘油三酯血症
②  B高血压
③  C中心型肥胖
④  D微量白蛋白尿
【多选题】 “五高”是指()
①  A高血压
②  B高血脂
③  C高血糖
④  D高血粘度
⑤  E高尿酸
【多选题】 胰岛素的不良反应有()
①  A脂肪萎缩
②  B过敏反应
③  C反应性高血压
④  D血糖过低
⑤  E胰岛素耐受性
【单选题】 下列属于生理性黄瘪的是
①  A.生后24h以内出现黄疸
②  B.黄疽持续时间足月儿>2周
③  D.足月儿血清总胆红素> 221umol/L早产儿> 257umol/L
【单选题】 硬肿症的治疗原则是
①  A.行气化瘀消积
②  B.健脾益肾,温运脾阳
③  C.益精充釉,补肾温阳