People’s hearts ____ the children whose parents died in the accident.
went out for
went out with
went out to
went out of
【判断题】 I started looking after these plants whose host went out to have a holiday.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It turned out that the children were not _____for the accident.
①  to blame
②  to be blamed
③  to be blaming
④  to have been blaming
【单选题】 Take out accident( )before you travel.
①  insured
②  insurance
③  insurable
④  insurability
【单选题】 Dave ____ into the house without ____ out by his parents.
①  slipped; finding
②  slips; finding
③  slips; to be found
④  slipped; being found
【单选题】 She went to the bank to____________ her money.
①  call in
②  draw out
③  find out
④  suffer from
【多选题】 ______________ , we went home.
①  The problem solved
②  The problem is solved
③  When the problem solved
④  When the problem was solved
【判断题】 He went home in night.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 All medicines should be kept out of____ of children.
①  touch
②  reach
③  get
④  attain
【单选题】 The ____ of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on. ?
①  images ?
②  pictures ?
③  photos ?
④  shadows ?
【单选题】 We went on a(n) ____ to the mountain yesterday.
①  excursion
②  trip
③  tour
④  travel
【单选题】 5. 激动外周M受体可引起:
①  瞳孔散大
②  支气管松弛
③  皮肤粘膜血管舒张
④  睫状肌松弛
⑤  糖原分解
【单选题】 8.目前用于癫痫持续状态的首选药为
①  三唑仑
②  苯巴比妥
③  水合氯醛
④  地西泮
⑤  奥沙西泮
【单选题】 6. 毛果芸香碱缩瞳是:
①  激动瞳孔扩大肌的α受体,使其收缩
②  激动瞳孔括约肌的M受体,使其收缩
③  阻断瞳孔扩大肌的α受体,使其收缩
④  阻断瞳孔括约肌的M受体,使其收缩
⑤  阻断瞳孔括约肌的M受体,使其松弛
【单选题】 2. 某碱性药物的pKa=9.8,如果增高尿液的pH,则此药在尿液中:
①  解离度增高,重吸收减少,排泄加快
②  解离度增高,重吸收增多,排泄减慢
③  解离度降低,重吸收减少,排泄加快
④  解离度降低,重吸收增多,排泄减慢
⑤  排泄速度并不改变
【单选题】 10. 增加左旋多巴抗帕金森病疗效,减少不良反应的药物是:
①  卡比多巴
②  维生素B6
③  利血平
④  苯乙肼
⑤  丙胺太林
【单选题】 1. 氯丙嗪治疗精神病的机理是
①  阻断脑内胆碱受体
②  阻断中脑边缘系统和中脑皮层通路的多巴胺受体
③  激动脑内胆碱受体
④  激动脑内阿片受体
⑤  激动网状结构的α受体
【单选题】 2. 可减少外周多巴胺生成,使左旋多巴较大量进入脑内的药物是
①  多巴脱羧酶抑制剂
②  多巴脱羧酶激动剂
③  多巴异构酶抑制剂
④  多巴异构酶激动剂
⑤  多巴氧化酶抑制剂
【单选题】 7. 普萘洛尔不具有的作用
①  阻断心脏β受体,降低窦房结、房室结的自律性
②  大剂量或高浓度是可抑制窦房结及浦氏纤维的传导
③  治疗量时可促进K+外流,缩短APD和ERP,相对延长ERP
④  治疗量时可产生膜稳定作用,延长APD和ERP
⑤  高浓度或大剂量时可产生膜稳定作用,而延长APD和ERP
【单选题】 6. 急性心肌梗死所致的室速或是室颤最好选用:
①  苯妥英钠
②  利多卡因
③  普罗帕酮
④  普萘洛尔
⑤  奎尼丁
【单选题】 8. 关于呋塞米的论述,错误的是:
①  排钠效价比氢氯噻嗪高
②  促进前列腺素释放
③  可引起低氯性碱血症
④  增加肾血流量
⑤  反复给药不易引起蓄积中毒