In ____ recent years, Niagara Fallshave come to be appreciated more for their natural beauty as _______ wonder of nature.
the; a
the; the
/; the
/; a
【单选题】 38. In recent years much more emphasis has been put______ developing the students productive skills.
①  onto
②  in
③  over
④  on
【单选题】 32.The pupils were struck by ___beauty of nature.
①  X
②  a
③  the
④  an
【单选题】 More and more children are interested in blind boxes _______ they wonder what is inside.
①  so
②  because
③  unless
④  though
【单选题】 In HangzhouMr. Green was so struck by____ beauty of ____ nature that he stayed for another night. ?
①  /; / ?
②  /; the ?
③  the; / ?
④  the; the?
【单选题】 Reforms have brought about rapid [] growth in China in recent years.
①  economical
②  economic
【判断题】 I appreciated to have sent to the United States to study five years ago.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Noticeable changes of English words in recent years consist of the following characteristics EXCEPT___________ .
①  increasing use of abbreviation
②  increasing use of open compounds
③  increasing use of clauses
④  increasing use of conversion
【单选题】 This technology has been ?around for a long time, but not until recent years _______ it in marketing.
①  businesses employed
②  did businesses employ
③  businesses had employed?
④  had businesses employed
【单选题】 She didn’ t come to the party last Sunday._____, she must have made the party more exciting.
①  If she came
②  Would she come
③  Had she come Did she come
【判断题】 More efforts, as reported, ___will be made___in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 可行性研究工作包括()阶段。
①  粗略研究
②  投资机会研究
③  初步可行性研究
④  项目建议书
⑤  详细可行性
【单选题】 有效控制造价应当以()阶段为重点。
①  设计
②  招投标
③  合同实施
④  竣工验收
【单选题】 索赔的性质属于()行为。
①  经济惩罚
②  经济补偿
③  经济获利
④  经济监督
【单选题】 工程索赔的处理原则不包括()。
①  索赔必须以合同为依据
②  及时、合理的处理索赔
③  加强主动控制,减少工程索赔
④  提出尽可能高的索赔额,争取最大效益
【单选题】 实际造价是指在(),通过为建设项目编制竣工决算,最终确定的实际工程造价。
①  竣工决算阶段
②  初步设计阶段
③  施工图设计阶段
④  合同实施阶段
【单选题】 根据《标准施工招标文件》的相关规定。发包人在收到承保人竣工验收申请报告()日后未进行验收的。视为验收合格。
①  14
②  28
③  30
④  56
【单选题】 FIDIC是()的法文名称字头组成的缩写词。
①  国际咨询工程师联合会
②  国际造价工程师联合会
③  国际股价工程师联合会
④  国际注册建筑师联合会
【单选题】 在项目盈亏平衡分析中,正确的说法是()。
①  当实际产量高于盈亏平衡产量时,项目盈利
②  当实际产量低于盈亏平衡产量时,项目盈利
③  当实际产量接近盈亏平衡产量时,项目盈利最高
④  项目盈亏平衡产量越大,项目盈利的可能性越大
【单选题】 按作用性质划分,预算定额属于()。
①  计价性定额
②  生产性定额
③  通用性定额
④  计划性定额
【单选题】 编制技术设计修正概算时使用()。
①  概算定额
②  概算指标
③  预算定额
④  预算指标