People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware____ he had gone.
of where
of the place where
the place
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware ______ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 The young man struggled to _______ where he was at the time the murder took place.
①  reduce
②  respond
③  respond
④  recall
【单选题】 The young man struggled to _______ where he was at the time the murder took place.
①  reflect
②  respond
③  resolve
④  recall
【单选题】 He looked at the little girl, _________ where he had seen her before.
①  wondering
②  wondered
【单选题】 —Where is John? I couldn’t find him.— .
①  He is very busy
②  I suppose he could have gone to the meeting room
③  I couldn’t agree more
④  He is good.
【单选题】 He _______ lives in the house where he was born.
①  already
②  yet
③  still
④  ever
【单选题】 ________the diamond,he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【单选题】 ____ the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【单选题】 A new teacher was sent to the village in place of ____ one who had retired.
①  a
②  the
③  an
④  Its
【单选题】 4.____the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【简答题】 教育改革目标
【简答题】 简述初等教育改革科研方案的评价原则。
【简答题】 世纪后期,20世纪初期,欧美相继掀起了一场声势浩大的教育革新运动,最典型代表人物有美国著名教育家[填空1]________、意大利女教育家____[填空2]__。
【简答题】 教师是___[填空1]__的继承者和传播者,在社会的延续和发展中起着不可缺少的桥梁和纽带作用。
【简答题】 教育实践的性质。
【简答题】 教育创新与教育改革的区别。
【简答题】 各国的学校教育系统基本形成于:___[填空1]______。
【简答题】 癸卯学制
【简答题】 教育制度可以还原成目标系统、[填空1]_______、__[填空2]_____、工具系统四大系统要素。
【简答题】 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》(公开征求意见稿)研究制定工作自2008年8月启动以来,在深入调研、广泛听取意见建议的基础上,经反复研究修改,形成了公开征求意见稿,并自今年2月28日起再度公开征求意见。《规划纲要》把改革创新作为教育发展的强大动力:袁贵仁说,30年来,我国教育事业取得了很大发展,一个重要的方面就是改革开放。现在我们面临新的形势、新的要求、群众新的期盼,我们要大力推进教育事业科学发展,仍然需要继续解放思想,坚持改革开放。所以这次《规划纲要》在标题中就明确地标示出来,这个纲要是发展的规划纲要,也是改革的规划纲要。而在20字工作方针中,我们把教育改革创新作为重要内容,作为推进教育事业科学发展的根本动力,也就是温总理讲的,教育要发展,根本靠改革。过去我们投入主要在发展方面,到了现在这种程度,如果按照原来的模式和体制,我们加大投入可能是事倍功半。我们需要用新的体制推进事业的发展,因此改革也需要加大投入来促进教育事业的科学发展。结合所给材料,试分析改革开放以来我国教育体制的改革的制度障碍及创新路径。