23. The singer and dancer ____ our evening party.
is to attend
was attend
were to attend
are attend
【单选题】 We all thought ______ pity that you were unable to attend our meeting.
①  that
②  which
③  this
④  it
【单选题】 Pay attention please!__ of you want to attend the party?
①  Who
②  Which
③  Whom
④  What
【单选题】 17. Pay attention please! ____ of you want to attend the party?
①  Who
②  Which
③  Whom
④  What
【单选题】 Either she or I______ to attend the get-togather this evening.
①  is
②  are
③  am
④  be
【单选题】 I won’t be able to attend the meeting tonight because _________ .
①  I must teach a class
②  I teach a class
③  I will be teaching a class
④  I will have been teaching a class
【判断题】 A: Must I attend the meeting? B: No, you neednt.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Not only does Tom attend class regularly, but he also ()in extracurricular activities frequently.
①  participates
②  participate
③  involve
④  involved
【单选题】 7. --Did______ of your parents come to attend the openingceremony? --_______ of them came.
①  None
②  Neither
③  either; Neither
④  both; None
【单选题】 _________ the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities.
①  Except for
②  Including
③  Apart from
④  Included
【单选题】 _________ the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities.
①  Except for
②  Including
③  Apart from
④  with
【单选题】 教育心理学研究的核心内容是( )。
①  学生
②  教师
③  教学心理
④  学习心理
【单选题】 学生在学习了语文拼音之后,会干扰其对英语音标的学习,这属于( )。
①  垂直迁移
②  水平迁移
③  正迁移
④  负迁移
【单选题】 班杜拉认为,人的学习最重要的形式是( )。
①  发现学习
②  合作学习
③  观察学习
④  有意义学习
【单选题】 体操、游泳、球类等活动涉及的技能类型主要是( )。
①  认知技能
②  社交技能
③  智力技能
④  动作技能
【单选题】 将学习内容分成小的单元,学生每次学习一个小的单元并参加单元考试,直到学生以80%~100%的掌握水平通过考试为止,然后才能进入下一个单元的学习,这种学习方法是( )。
①  发现学习
②  合作学习
③  程序教学
④  掌握学习
【单选题】 最早的有关学习迁移的一种代表性理论是( )。
①  形式训练说
②  共同要素说
③  经验类化说
④  关系转换说
【单选题】 奥苏贝尔认为,学生学习的实质是( )。
①  有意义接受学习
②  有意义发现学习
③  发现学习
④  探究学习
【单选题】 “给我一打健康的婴儿,不管他们祖先的状况如何,我可以任意把他们培养成从领袖到小偷等各种类型的人。”这句话出自( )。
①  科尔伯格
②  皮亚杰
③  米尔顿
④  华生
【单选题】 ABC理论属于( )理论流派的内容。
①  行为矫正
②  精神分析
③  人本主义
④  合理情绪
【单选题】 力求在本学期取得好成绩,争取拿到奖学金,属于( )。
①  间接的远景性动机
②  直接的近景性动机
③  高尚的动机
④  认知内驱力