Alicereceived an invitation from her boss, ____came as a surprise.?
it ?
that ?
which ?
【单选题】 My grandfather had suffered from cancer for two years. It was no surprise when I was told that he had _____.
①  passed off
②  passed away
③  passed by
④  passed over
【多选题】 Suddenly,_____________ , a good idea came to her.
①  to her disappointment
②  to her great joy
③  to her surprise
④  to her delight
【单选题】 A: Where does he come from? B: [填空], but her accent suggests Beijing.
①  Im sure
②  Im not sure
③  Perhaps
④  Maybe
【单选题】 My boss is a 40-year-old man, _______ wife is from Australia.
①  that
②  which
③  whose
【判断题】 Her home is far from her company.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She came in, a baby[填空] in her arms.
①  is
②  /
③  was
④  be
【单选题】 He’s not Greek. He _______ from London.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  came
【单选题】 The donated liver came from the UK, but the hospital is giving no further __________ .
①  instance
②  character
③  items
④  details
【单选题】 He____________ her out of her money.
①  chatted
②  changed
③  cheated
④  chose
【单选题】 ____ his illness, he came to the meeting.
①  Though
②  Because
③  Despite
④  Therefore
【单选题】 占有是对物为事实上的管领,下述占有属于非法占有的是
①  甲租乙的房子居住
②  甲占有并使用自己的电脑
③  甲将拾得的一部手机据为已
④  甲为乙修理手表,在乙不支付修理费时,将手表予以留置
【单选题】 土地承包经营权属于
①  用益物权
②  债权
③  担保物权
④  地上权
【单选题】 孙某在某洗衣店干洗了一套名贵西服,后来孙某拒付洗衣费,则洗衣店可以
①  将该西服据为已有
②  行使留置权
③  行使质押权
④  行使抵押权
【单选题】 在实践中,下列取得财产所有权的方式中,属于原始取得的是
①  在商店购买的电视机
②  在银行存款获得的利息
③  通过遗嘱继承得到的房屋
④  接受奖励获得的汽车
【单选题】 依照我国法律规定,下列财产中专属于国家所有的是
①  山岭、森林、水面
②  矿藏 
③  历史文物
④  古生物化石
【单选题】 附合是原始取得动产所有权的一种方式,下列选项中属于附合行为的是
①  将他人的木材做成家具
②  养的鱼游进他人的鱼塘
③  承租人在租赁的房屋中铺上地板
④  将他人的酒倒进自家盛酒的酒坛
【单选题】 不属于原物的孳息
①  蜜蜂酿出的蜜
②  果树
③  利息
④  租金
【单选题】 下列处分属于法律上的处分的是
①  原材料在生产中消耗
②  大米被食用
③  所有权被抛弃 
④  房屋被拆除
【单选题】 依照民法理论,财产所有权的核心是
①  占有权
②  使用权
③  收益权
④  处分权
【单选题】 诉讼时效期间届满后,债权人丧失
①  起诉权
②  实体权利
③  请求债务人履行的权利
④  胜诉权