15. If you want to change for a blue shirt, youll have to pay ____ $ 10.
【单选题】 15.—Have you finished your report ? ---No, I will finish it in _____20 minutes.
①  other
②  another
③  more
④  less
【单选题】 Pay attention please!__ of you want to attend the party?
①  Who
②  Which
③  Whom
④  What
【单选题】 You should give your children more opportunities to have personal time and space to ( ) with friends or do whatever they want.
①  hang out
②  hang up
③  hang on
④  hang in
【单选题】 17. Pay attention please! ____ of you want to attend the party?
①  Who
②  Which
③  Whom
④  What
【单选题】 9. They have ______ each other for a long time.
①  corresponded on
②  corresponded with
③  communicated with
④  kept writing
【单选题】 I am sorry I have no time at present to ____ more detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.
①  bring into
②  take into
③  come into
④  go into
【单选题】 You have to work hard if you want to __________ in your courses.
①  achieve
②  succeed
③  win
④  beat
【单选题】 Women have to be more ____ than men if they want to get anywhere in the business world.
①  difficult
②  ambitious
③  traditional
④  conservative
【单选题】 The credit cards permit people to borrow-to-buy things they want even when they ( ) have enough money to pay the full price.
①  do not
②  do
③  does
④  does not
【单选题】 Tom and Mary ___________ each other.
①  keep apart
②  are in love with
③  none other than
④  in a whisper
【单选题】 双手手臂贴于腰部,胳膊肘略向前是东北秧歌的什么基本手位
①  小燕展翅
②  双叉腰
③  双护胸
④  双推山
【单选题】 不属于傣族舞手型的是
①  兰花指
②  嘴形
③  曲掌
④  掌形
【单选题】 山东秧歌里什么秧歌又叫“鹰歌”
①  陕北秧歌
②  东北秧歌
③  广东英歌
④  胶州秧歌
【单选题】 不属于舞蹈的基本要素的是
①  动作姿态
②  节奏
③  表情
④  情感
【单选题】 哪种舞蹈不属于民族民间舞
①  汉族舞蹈
②  藏族舞蹈
③  傣族舞蹈
④  敦煌舞
【判断题】 藏族表演性舞蹈热巴凝重古朴、沉重敦厚
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 广英秧歌又称“鹦歌”
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 舞蹈在培养欣赏者审美能力与提高欣赏者艺术素养方面具有重要的作用
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “手鼓舞”是历史悠久、形式完整、动作粗犷豪迈的风俗性舞蹈
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 舞蹈是以情感为表现手段
①  正确
②  错误