It is a waste of time ____with such a silly fellow.
trying to reason
tried to reason
for trying to reason
to trying reasoning
【单选题】 The reason why the car was stopped was ____.
①  that the road was slippery
②  due to the slippery road
③  because the road was slippery
④  because of the slippery road
【单选题】 _________ is no reason for dismissing him.
①  Because he was a few minutes late
②  Owing to a few minutes being late
③  The fact that he was a few minutes late
④  Being a few minutes late
【单选题】 Theyre trying to ( ) this math problem.
①  figure up
②  figure on
③  figure out
④  figure in
【多选题】 Why do you forget something? What is the reason? You did not learn it_________ . This is the major reason for forgetting.
①  in the beginning
②  at the beginning
③  at first
④  at last
【单选题】 You’re ____ your time trying to persuade him. He’ll never join us. ?
①  spending ?
②  wasting ?
③  losing ?
④  missing?
【单选题】 The company is trying every _____to improve the quality of products.
①  meaning
②  means
③  mean
④  meanings
【单选题】 _________ do you want to learn French? What is the reason?
①  When
②  Why
③  What
④  Which
【单选题】 The world is trying every means to _____the friendship between the two countries.
①  raise
②  promote
③  arise
④  protest
【单选题】 Thats the main reason_________ the development of adult education.
①  as
②  why
③  for
④  across
【单选题】 Our country is trying to _____ the serious problems created by the environment al pollution.
①  comply with
②  cope with
③  cope to
④  comply to
【多选题】 《史记》( )。
①  A 是我国第一部纪传体通史
②  是我国第一部纪传体断代史
③  全书共120篇
④  以“人”为中心写历史
【单选题】 江西诗派的“一祖”是指(    )。
①  杜甫
②  韩愈
③  苏轼
④  黄庭坚
【单选题】 张衡创作的抒情小赋是(    )。
①  《归田赋》
②  《鹦鹉赋》
③  《二京赋》
④  《刺世疾邪赋》
【单选题】 最能反映陶渊明诗风中“金刚怒目”一面的诗歌作品是(    )。
①  《咏荆轲》
②  《饮酒诗》
③  《归园田居》
④  《杂诗》
【单选题】 明初,被朱元璋誉为“开国文臣之首”的散文家是(    )。
①  袁宏道
②  张岱
③  刘基
④  宋濂
【单选题】 《归去来兮辞》的作者是(    )。
①  陶渊明
②  张衡
③  谢灵运
④  鲍照
【单选题】 开创我国田园诗新领域的诗人是(    )。
①  陶渊明. 谢灵运
②  壬维
③  孟浩然
【单选题】 《红楼梦》后四十回的作者是(    )。
①  程伟元
②  高鹗
③  王希廉
④  脂观斋
【单选题】 魏晋南北朝志怪小说的代表作是(   )。
①  《博物志》
②  《世说新语》
③  《搜神记》
④  《冥祥记》
【单选题】 《论语》是一部(  )。
①  纪传体史书
②  长篇论文
③  杂记
④  语录体著作