The research results show that the earth goes a little faster ____ it is closer to the sun.
so that
as if
【单选题】 Everybody knows the truth __________ the earth goes around the sun.
①  which
②  that
【单选题】 While _______ the sun, the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.
①  having orbited
②  being orbited
③  having been orbited
④  orbiting
【判断题】 The earth moves around the sun.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The earth ____ heat and light from the sun.
①  takes on
②  takes in
③  absorbs in
④  picks out
【单选题】 The moon ____ to a large mirror which reflects the sun’s light to the earth.?
①  compares ?
②  can compare ?
③  can be compared ?
④  may compare?
【单选题】 It seems as if the sun_____round the earth since it rises in the east and sets in the west.
①  circles
②  is circling
③  has been circling
④  were circling
【单选题】 — Who on earth could it be?— It was ____ other than Peter.
①  none
②  nothing
③  not
④  nobody
【单选题】 When I get to the top of the building, the sun [填空].
①  shine
②  shines
③  is shining
④  was shining
【单选题】 It is often more difficult to find trained men than ____ for scientific research.
①  getting financial support
②  to getting financial support
③  to get financial support
④  in getting financial support
【单选题】 When checking in, you need to show your ticket and ______.
①  import
②  export
③  passport
④  transport
【单选题】 有关精馏原理,下列描述正确的是( )。
①  沿着塔底到塔顶难挥发组分浓度升高
②  在塔顶部分气体冷凝回流至塔内
③  在塔底部分釜残液加热汽化引入精馏塔
【单选题】 二元溶液连续精馏计算中,进料热状态的变化将引起以下线的变化( )。
①  平衡线
②  操作线与q线
③  平衡线与操作线
④  平衡线与q线
【单选题】 精馏的操作线是直线,主要基于塔顶泡点回流。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 当馏出液澄清透明时,说明蒸馏已完成。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 使用分液漏斗时,应首先( )。
①  打开上端塞子
②  洗涤
③  检查是否漏水
④  打开活塞
【判断题】 板式塔内气液相接触越充分、混合越剧烈越有利于传质、传热,因此在操作过程中气速越大越好。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 板式塔中操作弹性最大的是( )。
①  筛板塔
②  浮阀塔
③  喷射塔
④  泡罩塔
【单选题】 休克按照病因分类,可分为七类。( )
【单选题】 骨牵引应预防针孔感染,每日在针孔滴( )酒精1—2次。
①  50%
②  70%
③  80%
④  60%
【单选题】 脑缺血的症状不包括( )。
①  失眠
②  嗜睡
③  无力
④  眩晕