Doctor: ____ Patient: I’ve caught a bad cold and got a sour throat.?
What seems to be the problem? ?
?Do you have anything to declare, sir??
Good morning. May I help you? ?
How have you been getting along recently??
【单选题】 Good morning, sir. May I help you?
①  No, I don’t buy anything
②  No, I don’t need your help
③  Yes, I need some sugar
④  Oh, no. That’s OK
【单选题】 -May I help you?-___. Do you have any apple juice?
①  Sure
②  Thank you
③  No, thanks
④  I don’t think so
【单选题】 —Hello there, what can I do for you, sir?—_____________________.
①  I can do it myself.
②  No, youre welcome.
③  I would like to buy a pair of glasses.
④  Yes, thank you.
【单选题】 I am very grateful to you for what you’ve given me and __________ you have done for me.
①  which
②  that
③  all what
④  all that
【判断题】 A: How have you been these years? B: Not too bad.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 I will help you do it. = I will help you to do it.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 — Good morning, Dr Johnsons office. Can I help you?— _______________________.
①  Speaking, please
②  Id like to make an appointment, please
③  Yes, go on
④  No, you cant
【单选题】 Good morning, Dr Johnson’s office. Can I help you?
①  Speaking, please
②  I’d like to make an appointment, please
③  Yes, go on
④  No, you can’t
【判断题】 A: What can I do for you, sir? B: Nothing.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Thats pretty good that you get up and go running, but I ______ like running early in the morning since I’ve got to prepare breakfast for my family.
①  have a good time
②  have a hard time
③  have time
④  have much time
【单选题】 就社会发展而言,真正的第一资源是()
①  人才
②  金属
③  资本
④  土地
【单选题】 教学研究的第一步是()
①  提出问题
②  设计方案
③  拽集资料
④  制定假设
【单选题】 挫折常见的消极反应是()。
①  焦虑、抑郁、固执
②  焦虑、乐观、固执
③  抑郁、悲观、乐观
④  抑郁、悲观、开心
【单选题】 “校本研究”立足学校,因此应该()
①  以学生为本
②  以老师为本
③  以学校为本
④  以教材为本
【单选题】 道德教学的最低限度的要求是()
①  人文性
②  合法性
③  艺术性
④  开放性
【单选题】 以下哪一选项不属于德育范畴?
①  政治思想教育
②  道德教育
③  职业技能教育
④  心理健康教育
【单选题】 教师专业化发展,重点在于()
①  提高身体素质
②  培养敬业精神
③  提高专业能力
④  学习专业知识
【单选题】 在校本教研中,教师应是研究的()
①  主体
②  对象
③  任务
④  教法
【单选题】 现实中教育教学法课题产生的途径多半是()
①  自上而下
②  自下而上
③  由此及彼
④  由表及里
【单选题】 以下不属于善举的是()
①  捐赠
②  慈善基金
③  强迫年轻人让座
④  自愿献血