This is the ____ photo I have ever taken.
most worst
【单选题】 Mary is one of the best friend _____________ I have ever had.
①  that
②  whom
【单选题】 The decision to quit school at that young age is, ____, the most stupid thing I have ever done.
①  by comparison
②  in retrospect
③  at first sight
④  at times
【单选题】 12. That’s ______ joke I have ever heard.
①  the funniest
②  more funny
③  a funniest
④  funnier
【单选题】 _______I like most is_______I can have a party after work.
①  That,that
②  What, that
③  What, what
【单选题】 I came to?Beijing?in 1991 and have been ?[填空] here ever since.
①  live
②  lives
③  lived
④  living
【单选题】 Tom: It’s the most delicious fruit I have had a long time.
①  I’m so glad you like it.
②  You are not hungry now.
③  I like eating this fruit, too.
④  You should like it.
【单选题】 Its the second time that I __________ in Shanghai ! What great changes have taken place in Shang Hai. It is ten years since I __________ it last time.
①  have been ; left
②  had been ; left
③  have been ;had left
④  went ;had left
【单选题】 Ever since the Smiths moved to the suburbs a year ago they __________ better health.
①  could have enjoyed
②  had enjoyed
③  have been enjoying
④  are enjoying
【单选题】 A: Have you ever been to Huangshan? B:[填空].
①  No. Twice
②  I went there twice
③  Yes. Twice
④  Yes. Ill go there next month
【单选题】 40.—I`m sorry I didn`t do a good job. ---Never mind.____you have tried your best.
①  Aboveall
②  Aboveall
③  Atall
④  Afterall
【判断题】 为了灭菌后保持无菌状态,所有玻璃器皿均需包扎。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 不能在超净工作台内做记录工作,以免对洁净气流形成影响。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 手术衣或工作服可以用高压蒸汽灭菌器灭菌。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 结缔组织中哪一种细胞与过敏反应有关
①  肥大细胞
②  浆细胞
③  成纤维细胞
④  巨噬细胞
【单选题】 分布于小肠管壁内的肌组织属于哪一种
①  平滑肌
②  心肌
③  骨骼肌
【单选题】 下面哪种肌组织的细胞显微镜下看不到横纹
①  骨骼肌
②  平没肌
③  心肌
【单选题】 有面有关骨骼肌说法错误的是
①  骨骼肌受意识支配
②  骨骼肌细胞核多
③  骨骼肌光镜下可看到明暗相间的条纹
④  骨骼肌细胞核位于细胞中央
【单选题】 围成甲状腺腺泡的上皮属于哪一种
①  单层扁平上皮
②  单层立方上皮
③  单层柱状上皮
④  变移上皮
【单选题】 覆盖在皮肤表面的上皮属于哪种类型
①  单层扁平上皮
②  复层扁平上皮
③  单层柱状上皮
④  变移上皮
【单选题】 下面哪种肌组织的细胞只有一个细胞核
①  平滑肌
②  骨骼肌
③  心肌