Early to bed and early to rise ____ a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ?
make ?
had made ?
makes ?
will make?
【单选题】 ___________ was very not wise.
①  Telling her the truth
②  Having told her the truth
③  Tell her the truth
④  Have told her the truth
【单选题】 12.To make him stay, the manager _______him a pay rise.
①  gave
②  declared
③  promised
④  assured
【单选题】 Bit by bit, a child makes the necessary changes to make his language ____.
①  as other people
②  as other people’s
③  like other people
④  like other people’s
【单选题】 I ____ up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 o’clock a.m. .
①  needn’t have got
②  didn’t need to get
③  shouldn’t have got
④  can’t have got
【单选题】 It was the training that he had as a young man ____made him such a good engineer.
①  that
②  has
③  what
④  later
【单选题】 The joke told by Tom made us________,so the teacher couldnt make himself_______.
①  to laugh;hearing
②  laughing;heard
③  laughing;hear
④  laughed;heard
【单选题】 His early retirement left him in a ( ).
①  empty
②  vacancy
③  void
④  avoid
【单选题】 I____________ early this morning.
①  sped up
②  woke up
③  picked up
④  gave up
【单选题】 make a ___________
①  schedule
②  timetable
③  major
④  career plan
【单选题】 20. The joke told by Tom made us_____, so our maths teacher couldn’t make himself _____.
①  to laugh; hearing
②  laughing, heard
③  laughing; hear
④  laughed; heard
【单选题】 富含嘌呤的食物是()。
①  鸡蛋
②  动物内脏
③  牛奶
④  黄瓜
⑤  米饭
【单选题】 下列药物中,属于弱阿片类药物的为()。
①  芬太尼
②  吗啡
③  曲马多
④  哌替啶
⑤  美沙酮
【单选题】 宫内节育器不适于()。
①  对铁过敏患者
②  对NSAID过敏患者
③  对磺胺类药物过敏患者
④  对铜过敏患者
⑤  对青霉素过敏患者
【单选题】 处置巴比妥类药物中毒时,不宜首选静滴5%碳酸氢钠注射液、碱化尿液的是()。
①  异丁巴比妥
②  戊巴比妥
③  巴比妥
④  异戊巴比妥
⑤  苯巴比妥
【单选题】 营销策划活动要遵循的八个步骤,第五是进行营销创意。( )
【单选题】 价格策划要以市场和整个企业为背景。( )
【单选题】 ( )是指企业通过选定的目标顾客直接寄发邮件来推销产品。
①  电话通知
②  通知邮寄
③  直接邮寄
【单选题】 顾客满意实施的策略主要有:塑造“以客为尊”的经营理念、开发令顾客满意的产品、提供顾客满意的服务。( )
【单选题】 多媒体播放软件中,常用的视频播放器有( )。
①  千千静听
②  酷狗
③  暴风影音
④  FooBar
【单选题】 设备事故的损失除修理费外,还包括设备因停产所造成的损失。( )