—Guest: Oh, it’s ten o’clock. I’d better go now.—Host: ____.
OK. Please walk slowly and take care.
Why do you want to go now? Don’t you want to stay?
Yeah, it’s really late. Why not immediately?
Won’t you stay for another cup of coffee?
【单选题】 9. -You’d better not go out now. It’s raining. -It doesn’t matter. My new coat can keep ______ rain.
①  in
②  of
③  with
④  off
【单选题】 I don’t want to talk about it now. I’m not in the __________ .
①  feeling
②  attitude
③  emotion
④  mood
【单选题】 A: Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now. B: Ok. [填空].
①  See you
②  Take it easy
③  Go slowly
④  Stay long
【单选题】 If you don’t go, ____ I.
①  nor shall
②  so don’t
③  neither do
④  so do
【单选题】 Excuse me. I don’t want to interrupt you but …
①  Can I help you?
②  Certainly, how dare you
③  It’s quite all right
④  Yes, you did
【单选题】 Don’t go there this afternoon, I’d rather you _____ tomorrow.
①  went
②  go
③  will go
④  would go
【单选题】 Why don’t you travel to New York on vacation?
①  I don’t want to go
②  Excuse me, because I can’t
③  I want to, but I haven’t got enough money
④  Because I’m going to school today
【单选题】 — Do you want to go to see a movie?— ______________ I feel like doing something different.
①  Dont mention it.
②  Yes. I want it.
③  Not really.
④  Adeal.
【单选题】 18.- ______ did you sleep last night? - I stay up too late to go to sleep.
①  How
②  When
③  Why
④  Where
【单选题】 Why don’t you [填空] and ask your mother?
①  go
②  goes
③  going
④  go to
【单选题】 将一种货币兑换为另一种货币的业务是( )
①  外币交易
②  外币兑换
③  外币信贷
④  外币折算
【单选题】 在我国,外币报表折算差额在资产负债表中作为( )列示。
①  资产
②  负债
③  所有者权益
④  附注
【单选题】 按照两项交易观点,我国普遍采用的方法是将汇率变动的影响确认为( )。
①  收入调整
②  权益调整
③  已实现损益
④  未实现损益
【简答题】 广义资本结构与狭义资本结构的差别
【简答题】 现代租赁按其性质可分为[填空1]和[填空2]两种形式。
【简答题】 按投资回收时间长短,可将企业投资分为[填空1]和[填空2]。
【简答题】 财务分析是以企业的财务报告等会计资料为基础,对企业的[填空1]、[填空2]和[填空3]进行分析和评价的一种方法。
【简答题】 应付费用的资本成本通常为[填空1]。
【单选题】 我国上市公司不得用于支付股利的权益资金是( )
①  资本公积
②  任意盈余公积
③  法定盈余公积
④  上年未分配利润
【单选题】 公司为了降低流通在外的本公司股票价格,对股东支付股利的形式可选用()。
①  现金股利
②  财产股利
③  股票股利
④  公司债股利