“I haven’t read ____ of the last four chapters, so I know little about them.”
【单选题】 I thought you________like something to read,so I have bought you some books.
①  may
②  might
③  could
④  must
【单选题】 11. I thought you _____ like something to read, so I have bought you some books.
①  may
②  might
③  could
④  must
【单选题】 —He has two brothers and three sisters. Do you know____ of them?—No, I know ____ of them.
①  some; none
②  some
③  any; none
④  either; some
【单选题】 I haven’t read ____ of his books, but judging from the one I have read I think he’s a very promising writer.
①  any
②  none
③  both
④  either
【单选题】 I ___ reading novels ___ watching movies. I like my own imagination when I read them.
①  would rather, than?
②  prefer, to?
③  prefer, than?
【单选题】 The elbows on your coat have worn thin, so I must _____them.
①  mend
②  patch
③  repair
④  pitch
【判断题】 I don’t know what you are talking about.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I haven’t made any new friends yet and everybody here makes ____ of me.
①  fun
②  smile
③  laugh
④  joy
【单选题】 At that time, the committee, so far as I know, _______ of three scientists, two professors, and four senior engineers.
①  composed
②  comprised
③  consisted
④  made up
【单选题】 13.Don’t ______ to let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.
①  thrill
②  hesitate
③  reject
④  puzzle
【单选题】 下列属于均相反应器的是( )。
①  气相
②  液-固相
③  液-液相
④  气-液相
【单选题】 分块式塔盘采用自身梁式或槽式,目的是提高( )。
①  强度
②  塑性
③  刚度
④  韧性
【单选题】 在填料塔中填料的种类有散装填料、 _____、格栅填料。
①  喷淋填料
②  逆向填料
③  规整填料
④  顺序填料
【单选题】 高温换热器采用下述( )布置方式更安全。
①  顺流和逆流
②  逆流
③  顺流
④  无法确定
【单选题】 常见的管式换热器不包括( )。
①  螺旋管式
②  套管式
③  U型管式
④  蛇管式
【单选题】 下列( )换热器在温差较大时可能需要设置温差补偿装置。
①  固定管板式
②  浮头式
③  填料式
【单选题】 不属于管束震动原因的是( )。
①  壳程流体脉冲流动
②  介质腐蚀和冲刷
③  横向流动冲击
④  间隙过大
【单选题】 离心泵输送介质密度改变,随着变化的参数是( )。
①  轴功率
②  流量
③  扬程
【单选题】 不属于轴承过热的原因( )。
①  平衡盘失去作用
②  润滑油不良
③  底阀已坏
④  轴已弯曲
【单选题】 往复式压缩机填料所不具有的功用是( )。
①  支撑
②  自润滑
③  隔振
④  密封