She doesn’t speak ____ her friend, but her written work is excellent.
as well as
so often as
so much as
as good as
【判断题】 She doesn’t do her work on weekdays, does she?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The computer doesn’t work well, so something _________ wrong.
①  can have gone
②  should have gone
③  must have gone
④  ought to have gone
【单选题】 She was so _____ in her job that she didn’t hear someone knocking at the door.
①  attracted
②  drawn
③  absorbed
④  concentrated
【单选题】 Lily forgot_______a letter to her sister, so she wrote to her just now.
①  to have written
②  to write
③  having wrote
【单选题】 The room was so quiet that she could hear the____ of her heart.
①  hitting
②  beating
③  hurting
④  striking
【单选题】 25.She ____the loud speaker so that everyone in the lecture room could hear her.
①  turnedon
②  turnedup
③  turnedoff
④  turneddown
【单选题】 Her sun – tanned face suggested that she __________ in excellent health.
①  be
②  is
③  was
④  were
【判断题】 She often looks after her grandmother.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 27.She did her work _________her manager had instructed.
①  as
②  until
③  when
④  though
【单选题】 She will be much [填空] in her mew class.
①  happy
②  happier
③  happiest
④  happyer
【单选题】 口腔护理时,对长期适用抗生素者,应注意观察口腔()
①  有无粘膜溃烂
②  有无真菌感染
③  口唇是否干裂
④  有无口腔异味
⑤  牙龈是否出血
【单选题】 关于煮沸消毒法,正确的是()
①  煮沸十分钟可杀灭多数细菌芽孢
②  橡胶类物品在冷水中或温水中放入
③  中途加入其他物品,需等再次水沸后计时
④  物品需全部浸入水中,相同的容器应重叠放在一起
⑤  玻璃类物品用纱布包好,水沸后放入
【单选题】 67.股静脉的穿刺部位在
①  A.股动脉内侧
②  B.股动脉外侧
③  C.股神经内侧
④  D.股神经外侧
⑤  E.股神经和股动脉之间
【单选题】 发生压疮最主要的原因是()
①  局部组织长期受压
②  病原微生物侵入
③  机体营养不良
④  皮肤过敏反应
⑤  皮肤受潮湿,摩擦刺激
【单选题】 72.采取生化检验的血标本宜在
①  A.临睡前
②  B.午后
③  C.清晨空腹
④  D.傍晚
⑤  E.饭前
【单选题】 万女士,27岁,怀孕9个月,阴道无诱因流水2小时急诊入院,诊断为胎膜早破。此患者应采取的卧位是()
①  头高足低位
②  去枕平卧位
③  头低足高位
④  仰卧屈膝位
⑤  膝胸卧位
【单选题】 61.执行给药原则中,哪项是最重要的
①  A. 遵医嘱给药
②  B. 给药途径要准确
③  C. 给药时间要准确
④  D. 注意用药不良反应
⑤  E. 给药中要经常观察疗效
【单选题】 57.王某,女,58岁,因尿失禁留置导尿管,引流通畅,但尿色黄、尿液混浊,护理中应注意
①  A.多饮水并进行膀胱冲洗
②  B.经常更换卧位
③  C.膀胱内滴药
④  D.热敷下腹部
⑤  E.经常清洁尿道口
【单选题】 69.护士在为病人张某静脉注射25%葡萄糖溶液中,病人自述疼痛,推注时稍有阻力,推注部位局部水肿,抽无回血,此情况应考虑是
①  A.针头滑出血管外
②  B.针头部分阻塞
③  C.针头斜面紧贴血管壁
④  D.静脉痉挛
⑤  E.针尖斜面一部分穿透下面血管壁
【单选题】 83.某人不慎溺水,急救的首要步骤是
①  A.口对口人工呼吸
②  B.清除呼吸道分泌物和异物
③  C.使用呼吸机
④  D.肌注呼吸兴奋剂
⑤  E.给氧