Helen, if someone comes to see me this morning, ask him to leave a_____. ?
word ?
notice ?
message ?
mail ?
【单选题】 If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask the person to leave a ____.
①  message
②  letter
③  sentence
④  notice
【单选题】 If someone calls me, ask him or her to leave a [填空] .
①  message
②  letter
③  sentence
④  notice
【判断题】 If we want to ask the addressee to convey regards to someone else, we may use: Please remember me to your father.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 We could ask someone to do the work privately without it __________.
①  know
②  be known
③  being known
④  to be known
【单选题】 Danny left this ____ message on my answering machine: “I must see you. Meet me at twelve o’clock.” Did he mean noon or midnight?
①  ambiguous
②  responsible
③  implicit
④  thoughtful
【单选题】 A: Dont worry. Ill leave the message on his desk. B: [填空].
①  Thats great
②  Thats great idea
③  Thank goodness
④  Its kind of you
【单选题】 He comes to see his parents [填空] three days.
①  every
②  both
③  each
④  one
【单选题】 His landlady gave him a weeks ___ to leave the flat.
①  threat
②  notice
③  advice
④  caution
【单选题】 Dont leave your keys in the car. Someone might steal____ .
①  one
②  that
③  this
④  it
【单选题】 A: Can I take a message? Ill let Mr. Liu know as soon as he comes back. B: [填空].
①  I hope he will call me back
②  No. Ill call somebody else
③  Dont bother. Ill try his cell
④  I dont think its appropriate
【判断题】 洋务运动欲“自强”而不强,从根本上说是因为没有从根本上触及封建生产关系
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 早期维新思想家具有鲜明的重商倾向,其中( )的“商战”理论提倡以商立国。
①  林则徐
②  郑观应
③  曾国藩
④  肃顺
【判断题】 戊戌维新运动是一场资产阶级性质的政治改良运动,带有反帝爱国的性质。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 戊戌维新运动是一次( )。
①  资产阶级改良运动
②  资产阶级革命运动
③  地主阶级改良运动
④  地主阶级革命运动
【单选题】 洋务派代表的社会阶层是( )。
①  地主阶级
②  官僚资产阶级
③  民族资产阶级
④  农民阶级
【单选题】 戊戌维新运动的核心领导人是( )。
①  康有为
②  梁启超
③  谭嗣同
④  严复
【多选题】 洋务派兴办的洋务事业有( )。
①  兴办近代企业
②  建立新式海陆军
③  创办新式学堂,派遣留学生
④  设议院,进行官制改革
【判断题】 太平天国起义的地点在广西桂平的金田村。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 戊戌维新运动的失败,说明在半殖民地半封建的中国,企图通过统治者走自上而下的改良的道路,是根本行不通的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 太平天国农民起义的根本原因是地主阶级对农民阶级残酷的剥削与压迫。
①  正确
②  错误