The gate is too____ for a car; we’ll have to walk through. ?
shallow ?
loose ?
broad ?
【单选题】 There are ________ people in front of the cinema gate so we have to wait ________ time to get into the cinema.
①  too much; much too
②  too many; too much
③  much too; too much
④  too much; too many
【单选题】 We’ll _____you as soon as we have any further information.
①  notify
②  signify
③  communicates
④  impart
【单选题】 We have worries _____ we’ll miss the best selling season of the skirts.
①  which
②  that
③  why
④  when
【单选题】 — We have to stop talking here. Listen, _____! —Hurry up, or we’ ll be late.
①  There goes the bell
②  There does the bell go
③  There the bell goes
④  Goes the bell there
【单选题】 Not until he went through real hardship the love we have for our families is important.
①  had he realized
②  did he realize
③  he realized
④  he had realized
【单选题】 A: Is it time for us to set off now? B: [填空]. We’ll have to wait for one more hour.
①  Certainly, it is
②  Thats all right
③  Sorry, I am afraid not
④  Sorry,its too long
【单选题】 A: I rang you several times yesterday but couldn’t get through. B: [填空]. I was busy.
①  Sorry about that
②  Sounds fine
③  I appreciate that
④  Thats all right
【单选题】 Peter: It’s such a nice warm day. I think I’ll go out for a walk. Dave: ____
①  It is warm to take a walk.
②  Yes. It is warm today.
③  I’d like to join you.
④  Yes. Everybody likes this weather.
【单选题】 If the weather is fine, we’ll go. If______,______.
①  no;not
②  not;no
③  no;no
④  not;not
【判断题】 It was because he was too clumsy to drive a car that Jim hadnt learned to drive.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 三十六字母表中,精清从心邪的发音部位是
①  齿头
②  正齿
③  舌头
④  舌上
【单选题】 律诗的第一联是
①  首联
②  颔联
③  颈联
④  尾联
【单选题】 以元音收尾或没有韵尾的韵是
①  阴声韵
②  入声韵
③  阳声韵
【单选题】 提出“古无舌上音”观点的是
①  钱大昕
②  章炳麟
③  黄侃
④  曾运乾
【单选题】 三十六字母表中,照穿床审禅的发音部位是
①  齿头
②  正齿
③  舌头
④  舌上
【单选题】 律诗的第四联是
①  颔联
②  首联
③  尾联
④  颈联
【单选题】 一联中的上句叫
①  对句
②  出句
③  缩句
④  扩句
【单选题】 以鼻音收尾的韵是
①  阴声韵
②  入声韵
③  阳声韵
【单选题】 以塞音收尾的韵是
①  阴声韵
②  入声韵
③  阳声韵
【单选题】 三十六字母表中,见溪群疑的发音部位是
①  齿头
②  正齿