The reason I didn’t go to school that day was ____ill.
due to
that I fell
because of falling
because I fell
【单选题】 I won’t be able to attend the meeting tonight because _________ .
①  I must teach a class
②  I teach a class
③  I will be teaching a class
④  I will have been teaching a class
【单选题】 I fell and hurt myself while I ________ basketball yesterday.
①  was playing
②  am playing
③  play
④  played
【单选题】 —Why didn’t you come to join her party? —I______, but I had to look after my ill mother.
①  would have
②  should
③  would do
④  was going to have
【单选题】 I fell and broke my leg when I_______riding my bike.
①  /
②  is
③  was
【单选题】 26. I couldn’t go to Jane’s party. It was ______ day I was babysitting for Derek and Linda.
①  the
②  a
③  /
④  one
【单选题】 I look younger because I do _________ exercise than you.
①  many
②  much
③  more
④  most
【单选题】 I can’t put up _______him because he is always making mistakes.
①  of
②  on
③  with
【单选题】 Sorry, I must be leaving now, because there’s a meeting.
①  Oh, no, you can’t
②  Yes, you can leave if you like
③  Do you really have to go? Couldn’t you at least stay for another cup of tea?
④  Oh, no. I don’t understand
【单选题】 08. It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not ____ the time.
①  offer
②  leave
③  affor
④  manage
【单选题】 I am unhappy because she accepted my invitation _______ .
①  passively
②  extremely
③  undoubtedly
④  unwillingly
【单选题】 ()不是《红楼梦》小说的别名
①  《情僧录》
②  《风月宝鉴》
③  《醒世姻缘传》
④  《石头记》
【单选题】 吴伟业歌行体的代表作是()
①  《圆圆曲》
②  《天山曲》
③  《永和宫词》
④  《鸳湖曲
【单选题】 《聊斋志异》的作者是()
①  纪昀
②  袁枚
③  蒲松龄
④  吴敬梓
【单选题】 《桃花扇》再现南明兴亡的史实,作者是()
①  吴伟业
②  孔尚任
③  洪昇
④  蒲松龄
【判断题】 被朱元璋誉为“开国文人之首”的是宋濂。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 猴行者的形象最早出现于()
①  《大唐西域记》
②  《大唐大慈恩寺三藏法师传》
③  《大唐三藏取经诗话》
④  《罗摩衍那》
【多选题】 明代三大传奇是指《宝剑记》、()和()
①  《离魂记》
②  《枕中记》
③  《鸣凤记》
④  《浣纱记》
【判断题】 《项脊轩志》的作者是唐顺之。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 徐渭的《四声猿》指的是《渔阳弄》、《雌木兰》、()和()
①  《女状元》
②  《牡丹亭》
③  《翠乡梦》
④  《离魂记》
【判断题】 《封神演义》属于世情小说。
①  正确
②  错误