They will inform him ____ any progress they make in the experiment.
【单选题】 ____ is essential to a successful scientist; he cannot hope to make any progress if he cannot work in a controlled way.
①  Discipline
②  Decision
③  Declaration
④  Dependence
【单选题】 10. ______, he was unable to make much progress.
①  Hard as he tried
②  Though hard as he tried
③  He tried hard
④  Because he tried hard
【单选题】 She _________ the children not to make any noise.
①  tell
②  told
③  said
④  telling
【单选题】 12.To make him stay, the manager _______him a pay rise.
①  gave
②  declared
③  promised
④  assured
【判断题】 请判断下句语法是否正确。The scientists were excited about the result of the experiment.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ____ of it at all.
①  explanation
②  meaning
③  sense
④  interpretation
【单选题】 It is better for you to be _____ about its consequences before you take any action.
①  positive
②  absolute
③  critical
④  favorite
【单选题】 If you don’t think it necessary to make ____ any missed lessons, speak up now.
①  up for
②  up with
③  up to
④  away for
【单选题】 If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an ____ with him first.
①  admission
②  agreement
③  appointment
④  argument
【单选题】 11. He is really worried about his daughter as she is ______to him.
①  anything
②  everything
③  something
④  nothing
【判断题】 股票属于资本证券。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 适当干预,是指国家或经济自治团体应当在充分尊重经济自主的前提下对社会经济生活进行一种有效但又合理谨慎的干预。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 按照合同法的规定,合同必须经过公证才有效。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 关于职业锚表述正确的是()
①  是人们在职业选择时的价值观的体现
②  想成为政府公务员的人必定具有管理型职业锚
③  霍兰德认为常见的有五种职业锚
④  发明家通常具有创造型职业锚
【多选题】 业务部门主管在培训中主要承担哪些责任()
①  管理在职的部门内培训
②  监测培训的需要
③  提供培训建议和辅助工作
④  追踪培训效果
【多选题】 关于行为锚定评价这种绩效考核方法表述正确的是()
①  将关键事件评价法和评级量表法的优点结合起来
②  考核指标和标准的设计比较复杂
③  能为绩效改善提供依据
④  开发成本小,操作简捷
【多选题】 培训需求分析可以分哪几个层次进行()
①  环境分析
②  组织分析
③  工作分析
④  个人分析
【多选题】 根据强化理论,被培训者受到哪些激励会增强参与培训的动机()
①  自己因培训而得到了晋升、提薪、扩大个人影响等好处
②  看到别人受培训后得到了加薪等实惠
③  受过培训后,顺利地解决了以前工作中的难题
④  培训前树立了恰当的目标
【多选题】 人力资源的绝对数量主要包括()
①  在业人口
②  待业人口、失业人口和家庭闲居人口
③  病残人口
④  就读的学生、军队、服役人口等
【判断题】 各种福利项目。
①  正确
②  错误