It ____ to the hospital yesterday, but I forgot all about it.
had to go
should have gone
ought to go
should go
【单选题】 —We all had a lot of fun at the barbecue ?yesterday. Pity you weren’t there. —I really should have gone with ?you but I _______ on some remaining problems.
①  worked
②  was working?
③  would work
④  would have worked
【单选题】 What I meant was that we should go[填空] with the work.
①  on
②  in
③  down
④  out
【判断题】 A: Maybe we should go Dutch today. B: We dont need to go there.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Lets toss a ( )to decide who should go.
①  paper
②  coin
③  trunk
④  water
【单选题】 My grandmother’s taken ill and I’ve got to go down to the hospital.
①  We’re going to the same place
②  Very sorry to hear it. I hope it’s nothing serious
③  Really?
④  Let me go with you
【判断题】 Before?go?to the concert, I had had a meal in a nice restaurant.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 A: I have a headache. I feel weak and tired.B: You ___________ go to see a doctor.
①  should
②  should not
③  had better
④  had better not
【单选题】 ---Tony, go to pay for the supper bills. ---Why _________ I? All of you are richer than me!
①  should
②  must
③  can
④  shall
【单选题】 -- Madam, do all the buses go downtown?--______________
①  :Wow, you got the idea.
②  :No, never mind.
③  :Pretty well, I guess.
④  :Sorry, Im new here.
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition
【判断题】 有人认为,搞评论就是搞政治,搞理论,本身没有多少学问,更谈不上有多少个人创造。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 所谓正确地分析论点,就是以实事求是的科学态度,对事物作出客观、中肯、切合实际的评价,反对任何主观随意性。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 立意是文章的主要意思即基本观点,它是评论的魂,体现的是作者的立场、观点、看问题的方法、对分寸的把握等,最终则体现媒体的立场、责任与地位。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 炎热夏季大体积混凝土施工时,必须加入的外加剂是( )
①  速凝剂
②  缓凝剂
③  CaSO4
④  引气剂
【单选题】 欲增大混凝土拌合物的流动性,下列措施中最有效的为( )
①  适当加大砂率
②  加水泥浆(W/C不变)
③  加大水泥用量
④  加减水剂
【单选题】 砂浆的流动性指标为( )。
①  坍落度
②  分层度
③  沉入度
④  维勃稠度
【单选题】 现场拌制混凝土,发现粘聚性不好时最可行的改善措施为( )。
①  适当加大砂率
②  加水泥浆(W/C不变)
③  加大水泥用量
④  加CaSO4
【单选题】 钢材的屈强比越大,则其( ).
①  强度利用率越高,结构安全性越低。
②  强度利用率越低,结构安全性越低。
③  强度利用率越高,结构安全性越高。
④  强度利用率越低,结构安全性越高。
【单选题】 钢材的屈强比越大,则其( )。
①  强度利用率越高,结构安全性越低。
②  强度利用率越低,结构安全性越低。
③  强度利用率越高,结构安全性越高。
④  强度利用率越低,结构安全性越高。
【单选题】 通常,材料的软化系数为( )时,可以认为是耐水的材料。
①  ≥0.85
②  <0.85
③  <0.75
④  >0.95