____ she was invited to the hall made her very happy.
【单选题】 Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
①  Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
②  cheerful
③  sad
④  selfish
【单选题】 When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her _____of responsibility.
①  field
②  limit
③  extent
④  range
【单选题】 Alice ___her father that both she and her husband would be happy if he would live with them.
①  convinced
②  reinforced
③  pledged
④  required
【单选题】 Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, _____she was twenty five.
①  her first real success did not come until
②  her real first success came until not
③  since her first real success did not come until
④  not until her first real success
【单选题】 Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, ____ she was twenty five.
①  her first real success did not come until
②  her real first success came until not
③  since her first real success did not come until
④  not until her first real success
【判断题】 She had her finger cut when she is paper-cutting.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Lindas parents died when she was a baby, and she was __________ by her aunt.
①  turned into
②  raised up
③  grown up
④  brought up
【单选题】 She resorted to ____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.
①  have stolen
②  steal
③  stole
④  stealing
【单选题】 When she saw the clouds, she went back to the house to ____ her umbrella.
①  bring
②  fetch
③  take
④  carry
【单选题】 She resorted to _____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.
①  have stolen
②  steal
③  stole
④  stealing
【多选题】 青年兴则国家兴,青年强则国家强。青年一代____、____、____,国家就有前途,民族就有希望
①  A.有品德
②  B.有理想
③  C.有本领
④  D.有担当
【多选题】 要深刻认识党面临的____的长期性和复杂性.
①  A.执政考验
②  B.改革开放考验
③  C.市场经济考验
④  D.生态保护考验
【单选题】 “两步走”第一阶段是从二〇二〇年到二〇三五年,在全面建成小康社会的基础上,再奋斗十五年,基本实现()。
①  A.农业现代化
②  B.社会主义现代化
③  C.工业现代化
④  D.军事现代化
【单选题】 实现“十四五”规划和2035年远景目标,意义重大,任务艰巨,前景光明。前进道路上,我国有独特的政治优势、制度优势、发展优势和()。
①  A.地缘优势
②  B.自然环境优势
③  C.机遇优势
④  D.人口优势
【单选题】 “()”构想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。其基本内容是在祖国统一的前提下,国家的主体坚持社会主义制度,同时在台湾、香港、澳门保持原有的资本主义制度和生活方式长期不
①  A.和平统一
②  B.和平共处
③  C.民主协商
④  D.一国两制
【单选题】 1956年9月,党的八大确定“()”为繁荣科学和文化艺术工作的指导方针。
①  A.百花齐放百家争鸣
②  B.民族的科学的大众的
③  C.古为今用洋为中用
④  D.为人民服务为社会主义服务
【单选题】 反对()以整顿学风,是1942年开始的全党普遍整风运动的主要内容之一。
①  A.封建主义
②  B.自由主义
③  C.主观主义
④  D.官僚主义
【单选题】 改革开放以来我们取得一切成绩和进步的根本原因,归结起来就是:开辟了中国特色社会主义道路,形成了中国特色社会主义理论体系,确立了中国特色社会主义制度,发展了()。
①  A.中国特色社会主义核心价值观
②  B.中国特色社会主义文化
③  C.中国特色社会主义目标
④  D.中国特色社会主义文明
【单选题】 下列人物中发扬工匠精神,成为石油工人楷模的是()
①  A邓稼先
②  B王进喜
③  C焦裕禄
④  D袁隆平
【单选题】 新中国成立以来,为促进农村生产的发展,政府对农村生产关系进行了多次调整。其中事与愿违的调整是()
①  A人民公社化运动
②  B农业合作化运动
③  C土地改革
④  D土地改革