10. I am not a violent man ____, but these insults were more than I could bear.
by birth
with birth
by nature
with nature
【单选题】 10.We should see ourselves as part of nature rather than in ______ with it.
①  argument
②  connection
③  conflict
④  crash
【单选题】 32.The pupils were struck by ___beauty of nature.
①  X
②  a
③  the
④  an
【单选题】 10. Far away around the corner I could see a small female ____advancing towards us.
①  body
②  figure
③  man
④  symbol
【单选题】 9.He is far ______in sports than I am.
①  more interested
②  more interesting
③  as interested
④  as interesting
【单选题】 A country ________ birth rate is higher than its death rate will have an increasing population.
①  who
②  which
③  whose
④  where
【单选题】 In ____ recent years, Niagara Fallshave come to be appreciated more for their natural beauty as _______ wonder of nature.
①  the; a
②  the; the
③  /; the
④  /; a
【单选题】 A man with considerable ( ) can often find the nature of things, however complicated the facial phenomenon appears.
①  capacity
②  insight
③  vision
④  discipline
【单选题】 I am sorry I have no time at present to ____ more detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.
①  bring into
②  take into
③  come into
④  go into
【单选题】 I am enclosing a banker’s draft for 80$ as a deposit . Could you please ( ) the receipt?
①  knowledge
②  know
③  acknowledgement
④  acknowledge
【单选题】 10. I _______ trouble finding the place.
①  didn’t have many
②  haven’t a great deal of
③  didn’t have much
④  hadn’t a lot of
【单选题】 地基稳定性主要是研究地基的()问题。
①  强度和形变
②  硬度和形变
③  强度和韧性
④  硬度和韧性
【多选题】 软土地基可采用的基础形式主要有()
①  箱形基础
②  柱状基础
③  筏板基础
④  桩基
【多选题】 下列岩石中,属于变质岩的是()
①  花岗岩
②  石英岩
③  流纹岩
④  大理岩
⑤  千枚岩
【多选题】 结构面对斜坡稳定性的影响主要取决于结构面的()。
①  强度
②  密集程度
③  填充程度
④  展布范围
【多选题】 工程岩体分级标准(GB50218-2014)将岩石风化程度分为()几级。
①  全风化
②  强风化
③  弱风化
④  微风化
【多选题】 下列属于岩石的风化作用类型的是()。
①  物理风化
②  化学风化
③  生物物理风化
④  生物化学风化
【单选题】 岩石在自然因素作用下发生机械破碎,而无明显成分变化的作用是指()。
①  化学风化作用
②  物理风化作用
③  生物风化作用
④  深层风化作用
【单选题】 沉积岩区别于其他岩类的最显著特征之一,是()。
①  块状构造
②  片状构造
③  流纹构造
④  层理构造
【单选题】 碎屑物质被胶结物胶结以后所形成的结构称为()。
①  碎屑结构
②  斑状结构
③  沉积结构
④  碎裂结构
【单选题】 岩溶和土洞的处理措施应考虑()。
①  避开
②  采取结构和地基处理措施
③  当地基中有石膏岩盐时,应考虑进一步溶蚀的可能性
④  均应考虑