The mountain is ____ 6.3 kilometers high, but it is not the highest one.
【单选题】 The small mountain village was ____ by the snow for more than one month.
①  cut back
②  cut out
③  cut off
④  cut away
【单选题】 Lucy has been a student there for nearly one and [填空] half years.
①  a
②  an
③  the
④  /
【单选题】 One big of formal education is the high cost.
①  advantage
②  disadvantage
③  problem
④  condition
【单选题】 Every year, one student in our high school wins a scholarship that ____one year of college.
①  improves
②  subsidizes
③  obliges
④  inflicts
【单选题】 The ____ Court is the highest court in the United States.
①  Superior
②  Super
③  Supreme
④  Great
【单选题】 This bottle is nearly empty; you _____ a lot.
①  could have drunk
②  ought to drink
③  must drink
④  must have drunk
【单选题】 A: Is there a bank near here? B: [填空].
①  Its very far
②  Its here
③  Yes, there is a big one
④  Its very crowded
【单选题】 We went on a(n) ____ to the mountain yesterday.
①  excursion
②  trip
③  tour
④  travel
【多选题】 He was on the top of the mountain,and he had ______ breathing.
①  A.problems
②  B..trouble
③  C.question
④  D.puzzle
【单选题】 They [填空] in Beijing nearly three weeks last year.
①  stayed
②  stay
③  stays
④  staying
【单选题】 在C语言中,下列字符常量中合法的是()
①  ′\084′
②  ′\x43′
③  ′ab′
④  ”\0”
【单选题】 在一个C程序中()
①  main函数必须出现在所有函数之前
②  main函数可以在任何地方出现
③  main函数必须出现在所有函数之后
④  main函数必须出现在固定位置
【单选题】 执行下面程序:main(){intx=1,y=1,z=1;x=x+++y+++z++;printf("%d,%d,%d",x,++y,z++);}输出的结果为()
①  4,3,2
②  3,3,2
③  3,3,3
④  3,2,2
【单选题】 有如下程序:main(){  intx=1,a=0,b=0;  switch(x){  case0:b++;case1:a++;case2:a++;b++;}  printf(“a=%d,b=%d\n”,a,b);}该程序的输出结果是()
①  a=2 b=1
②  a=1 b=1
③  a=1 b=0
④  a=2 b=2
【单选题】 在C语言中,下列变量名称中合法的是()
①  7x
②  int
③  ELse
④  a-b
【单选题】 在下列描述中,正确的一条是()
①  if(表达式)语句中,表达式的类型只限于逻辑表达式
②  语句“goto12;”是合法的
③  for(;;)语句相当于while(1)语句
④  break语句可用于程序的任何地方,以终止程序的执行
【单选题】 在C语言中,逻辑真和逻辑假分别表示为()
①  1,1
②  1,0
③  0,1
④  0,0
【单选题】 在C语言中,字符型数据在内存中的存储形式是()
①  原码
②  补码
③  反码
【单选题】 在C语言中,十进制数47可等价地表示为()
①  2f
②  02f
③  57
④  057
【单选题】 在C语言中,数字029是一个()
①  八进制数
②  十进制数
③  十六进制数
④  非法数