____, he is not capable of teaching.
A teacher as he is
Teacher as he is
As a teacher
As a teacher he is
【单选题】 What are the purposeful preparation that a language teacher normally receives before he starts the practice of teaching?
①  Learning from other’s experiences
②  Learning the received knowledge
③  Learning from one’s own experiences as a teacher
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 He is a teacher and so [填空] his wife.
①  does
②  is
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 is your English teacher like? He is tall and thin.
①  ?How
②  ?What
③  ?Which
④  /
【单选题】 Sandy could do nothing but _______ to his teacher that he was wrong.
①  admit
②  admitted
③  admitting
④  to admit
【单选题】 15.- _____ is your English teacher like? - He is tall and thin.
①  How
②  What
③  Which
④  /
【单选题】 Jack is [填空] teacher.He likes playing [填空] pingpang.
①  a,the
②  an,the
③  a,/
④  an,/
【判断题】 The old man is a teacher.He likes playing basketball after supper.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 His father is [填空] maths teacher.He works in my friends school.
①  a
②  an
③  the
④  /
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? The teacher gives students 2 minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter
【单选题】 7. As a teacher, he thinks his business is to stir up__________in his studentsrather than insist on obedience.
①  observation
②  curiosity
③  superiority
④  judgment
【单选题】 对下列四个序列进行快速排序,各以第一个元素为基准进行第一次划分,则在该次划分过程中需要移动元素次数最多的序列为( )。
①  1, 3, 5, 7, 9
②  9, 7, 5, 3, 1
③  5, 3, 1, 7, 9
④  5, 7, 9, 1, 3
【单选题】 若根据查找表建立长度为m的哈希表,采用线性探测法处理冲突,假定对一个元素第一次计算的哈希地址为d,则下一次的哈希地址为( )。
①  d
②  d+1
③  (d+1)/m
④  (d+1)%m
【单选题】 从具有n个结点的二叉排序树中查找一个元素时,在平均情况下的时间复杂度大致为( )。
①  O(n)
②  O(1)
③  O(log2(n))
④  O(n的平方)
【单选题】 在对n个元素进行堆排序的过程中,空间复杂度为( )。
①  O(1)
②  O(log2(n))
③  O(n的平方)
④  O(nlog2(n))
【单选题】 假定对元素序列(7, 3, 5, 9, 1, 12, 8, 15)进行快速排序,则进行第一次划分后,得到的左区间中元素的个数为( )。
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  5
【单选题】 非线性结构是数据元素之间存在一种( )。
①  一对多关系
②  多对多关系
③  多对一关系
④  一对一关系
【单选题】 计算机算法必须具备输入、输出和( )等5个特性。
①  可行性、可移植性和可扩充性
②  可行性、确定性和有穷性
③  确定性、有穷性和稳定性
④  易读性、稳定性和安全性
【单选题】 对于长度为18的顺序存储的有序表,若采用折半查找,则查找第15个元素的比较次数为( )。
①  3
②  4
③  5
④  6
【单选题】 对于长度为9的顺序存储的有序表,若采用折半查找,在等概率情况下的平均查找长度为( )的9分之一。
①  20
②  18
③  25
④  22
【单选题】 若要对1000个元素排序,要求既快又稳定,则最好采用( )方法。
①  直接插入排序
②  归并排序
③  堆排序
④  快速排序