The doctors give the students a medical____ for their health once a year.
【单选题】 When is appropriate for the teacher to give classroom instructions to students?
①  Give directions to tasks or activities, checking comprehension, giving feedback
②  Providing explanations to a concept or language structure, drawing attention
③  Setting requirements, checking comprehension, assigning homework
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 Ever since the Smiths moved to the suburbs a year ago they __________ better health.
①  could have enjoyed
②  had enjoyed
③  have been enjoying
④  are enjoying
【单选题】 Much importance should be ( ) to physical and mental health of students, which, however, is often neglected.
①  attached
②  detached
③  stressed
④  thrown
【单选题】 Before the final examination, some students have shown _______ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  remarks
④  signs
【单选题】 The course normally attracts 20 students per year,_______up to half will be from Orient.
①  in which
②  for whom
③  with which
④  of whom
【单选题】 Before the final examination, many students have shown ___ of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  signs
④  remarks
【单选题】 32. He was the officer in _____ charge of the investigation
①  the
②  a
③  /
④  one
【单选题】 ______, the experiment will be successful
①  If carefully doing
②  If did carefully
③  If carefully done
④  If doing carefully
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”This old man was none other than the medical officer what had given Jim the health check.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The experiment_________ in the lab now.
①  was done
②  is being done
③  has been done
④  is doing
【多选题】 1877年,伦理文化社的领导人()在()创办了美国历史上的第一所慈善幼儿园。
①  玛格丽特·舒尔兹
②  威斯康星州的瓦特镇
③  弗里克斯.阿德勒
④  纽约
【多选题】 洛克提出了一个包容()在内的教育体系。
①  体育
②  德育
③  智育
④  美育
【多选题】 林乐知所著________,是传教士介绍西方学前教育思想的代表。
①  《全地五大洲女俗统考》
②  《论中国亟需设立幼稚园》
③  《大同书》
④  《教育世界》
【多选题】 老解放区的托儿所或幼儿园的办院原则有()
①  中学为体,西学为用
②  师夷长技以制夷
③  依靠群众的原则
④  勤俭办园的原则
【多选题】 以下是陈鹤琴提出的教育观点的是()
①  生活即教育、社会即学校、教学做合一
②  “做人、做中国人、做现代中国人”
③  “在做中教、做中学、做中求进步”
④  “心理学具体化教学法大众化”
【多选题】 以下是张雪门的教育观点的有()
①  “骑马者应从马背上学”
②  “行是知之始,知是行之成”
③  “有系统有组织的实习”
④  “一切为儿童,一切为教育,一切为四化”
【多选题】 夸美纽斯的《大教学论》论述了()等教育学的基本内容,从而成为近代教育理论的奠基之作。
①  教育的目的、任务、作用
②  教育的根本原理
③  教育原则、内容、方法
④  德育、体育
⑤  学制
【多选题】 蒙养院及蒙养园时期的教育主要仿效_________,但_______教育内容和教育方法,符合儿童年龄特点,儿童在园生活是天真烂漫的,师幼关系也是比较融洽的。
①  日本式的幼稚教育
②  欧美式的幼稚教育
③  法国式的幼稚教育
④  德国式的幼稚教育
【多选题】 张雪门的幼稚园行为课程的基本精神就是()。
①  生活即教育
②  五指教育
③  行为即课程
④  整体教育
【多选题】 对老解放区保教队伍的培训,主要包括()
①  思想教育B文化教育
②  技术教育
③  劳动教育