When we came back, he found his bicycle ____
was stolen
had stolen
had been stolen
is stolen
【多选题】 Its the_____________ coat that was stolen from me.
①  small
②  same
③  identical
④  identity
【单选题】 A suitcase with shirt, trousers and shoes __________ stolen from the car.
①  have been
②  has
③  was
④  are
【单选题】 I charge the man____ receiving stolen goods.
①  in
②  with
③  at
④  on
【单选题】 When he came to,he found himself________on a chair,with his hands________back.
①  to sit;tying
②  sitting;tying
③  seating;tied
④  seated;tied
【单选题】 When he came back after an absence of 20 years, he found his hometown completely ____. ?
①  changing ?
②  to be changed ?
③  to change ?
④  changed ?
【单选题】 19. When he came to, he found himself _____ on a chair, with his hands _____ back.
①  to sit; tying
②  sitting; tying
③  seating; tied
④  seated; tied
【单选题】 Only when we landed______ how badly the plane had been damaged.
①  we realized
②  did we realize
③  had we realized
④  we had realized
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【判断题】 He had his leg break when he slipped on a piece of ice.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 3. He had to ______ his past actions when he retired, or he would be punished.
①  consider
②  account for
③  think
④  popular
【判断题】 时序逻辑电路均包含有触发器。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 要使与非门的输出为0,输入应满足______。
①  全为0
②  全为1
③  至少一个为1
④  至少一个为0
【单选题】 已知奇校验位P的值是1,下列的ASCII码哪个符合条件:______。
①  P1010100
②  P1000010
③  P0100000
④  P0110001
【单选题】 一个16位的二进制整数,用十进制数表示至少要______位。
①  4
②  6
③  5
④  7
【单选题】 下列逻辑功能器件中______是译码器。
①  74LS00
②  74LS48
③  74LS138
④  74LS151
【单选题】 在下列逻辑部件中,不属于组合逻辑部件的是______。
①  译码器
②  编码器
③  全加器
④  寄存器
【单选题】 构成时序逻辑电路的基本单元最______。
①  编码器
②  数据选择器
③  数值比较器
④  触发器
【单选题】 下列触发器中______具有约束条件。
①  RS触发器
②  D触发器
③  JK触发器
④  T触发器
【单选题】 3变量逻辑函数有______个最小项。
①  2
②  4
③  8
④  16
【单选题】 根据等效关系的传递性,若有状态和等效,又有状态和等效,则状态和也等效。正确的写法是:______。
①  (,),(,)-à()
②  (),()-à()
③  (,),(,)-à(,)
④  (),()-à()