The decision to quit school at that young age is, ____, the most stupid thing I have ever done.
by comparison
in retrospect
at first sight
at times
【单选题】 28.Fool ____ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.
①  who
②  as
③  that
④  like
【单选题】 How stupid I have been! Why _______ I do that before?
①  don’t
②  didn’t
③  not
【单选题】 This is the ____ photo I have ever taken.
①  worse
②  better
③  best
④  most worst
【判断题】 Given that they are fresh from the university, the young people have done a good job.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition
【判断题】 The slightest mention of the decade after the First World War brings nostalgic recollections to both the middle-age and the young.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 When I got my first sight of the garden, its beauty____________took my breath away.
①  near
②  nearly
③  almost
④  hardly
【单选题】 12. That’s ______ joke I have ever heard.
①  the funniest
②  more funny
③  a funniest
④  funnier
【单选题】 Mary is one of the best friend _____________ I have ever had.
①  that
②  whom
【单选题】 Our ____ sensitivity decreases with age. By age 60, most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smell and 50 percent of their taste buds.
①  sensible
②  senseless
③  sensitive
④  sensory
【单选题】 甲公司为员工韩某提供专项培训费用10万元,送其到国外进行专业技术培训,双方约定服务期10年,违约金10万元。工作满5年时,韩某辞职,韩某应向甲公司支付违约金( )
①  0元
②  5万元
③  7万元
④  10万元
【单选题】 用人单位发生合并或者分立等情况,原劳动合同(  )。
①  继续有效
②  失去效力
③  效力视情况而定
④  由用人单位决定是否有效
【单选题】 专门调整劳动关系的法律起源于( )
①  奴隶社会
②  封建社会
③  资本主义社会
④  18世纪产业革命以后
【单选题】 《劳动法》规定,国家实行的标准工作时间为劳动者的每日工作时间不超过( )
①  7小时
②  8小时
③  10小时
④  24小时
【简答题】 简述一下三国两晋南北朝时期法律儒家化的标志有哪些内容?
【简答题】 清朝秋审的结果有哪些情形?
【简答题】 中国历史上唯一以身高作为刑事责任能力的标准是[填空1]朝代
【简答题】 在我国,首次制定赎刑是在[填空1]。
【简答题】 西周时期的婚姻制度要遵循[填空1]礼程序
【简答题】 商朝的刑书名称是[填空1]